Archiv für Oktober 2021

Histories of People and Landscape: essays on the Sheffield region in memory of David Hey

Volume 46, Issue 4, November 2021, Page 466-467.

A Rainbow Bundestag? An Intersectional Analysis of LGBTI Representation in Angela Merkel’s Germany


From Private Wrongs to Public Rights: The Politics of Intersex Activism in the Merkel Era


Eugenics and sexuality in Physical Education teacher training in Uruguay (1948–1970)


Policies and practices for the professionalization of the teaching profession in the late Ottoman Empire (1839-1920)


Creuser la terre sombre: forme et défis de l’historiographie de l’éducation au Brésil et en Argentine (1997-2019)


Racist origins of IR: Thakur and Vale on South Africa’s formative influence on the discipline


The making of labour precarity: three explanatory approaches and their relationship


Leon Trotsky and Soviet Historiography of the Russian Revolution (1918–1931)


Of imperial men and the contested origins of international relations
