Archiv für Juni 2022

Ambiguities of transnationalism: social opposition to the civil use of nuclear power in the United Kingdom and in West Germany during the 1970s

Volume 29, Issue 3, June 2022.

The spatial contours of transnational activism: conceptual implications and the road forward

Volume 29, Issue 3, June 2022.

Communal and Exchange-Based Trust in Germany Thirty Years After Reunification: Convergence or Still an East–West Divide?


INTRO – »nicht zuzuordnen«


Putin-Fans …

Der Beitrag INTRO – »nicht zuzuordnen« erschien zuerst auf der rechte rand.

Making Ukraine Soviet. Literature and Cultural Politics under Lenin and Stalin


E. H. Carr’s Revolutionary Personalities


“Neighbor” is an Empty Concept: How the Neighbourly Turn in Mass Violence Studies has Overlooked Anthropology and Sociology


Science, State, and Culture: Decorations for the 1967 October Festival


Histories of Ethology: Methods, Sites, and Dynamics of an Unbound Discipline

Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Volume 45, Issue 1-2, Page 10-29, June 2022.

Did statutory insurance improve the welfare of Swedish workers? The statutory workplace accident insurance act of 1916
