Archiv für September 2022

In the Circulation Sphere of the Biomolecular Age: Economics and Gender Matter

Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Volume 45, Issue 3, Page 355-372, September 2022.

Emerging ecologies and changing relations: a brief manifesto for histories of education after COVID-19


Lowering the Quality of Democracy by Lowering the Voting Age? Comparing the Impact of School, Classmates, and Parents on 15- to 18-Year-Olds’ Political Interest and Turnout


Before the court of public opinion: Imprensa de Lisboa and the 1921 press workers’ strike


International models and influences on Catalan nationalism: regionalism, gender and the ethnic – civic dichotomy, 1880–1920


Translation as a practice of resemiotization: A case study of the Opium War Museum


Untranslated world literature: The Chinese novels of César Aira


The future and the past are unevenly distributed: COVID’s educational disruptions and UNESCO’s global reports on education


Transnational networks and gay subjectivity in the theatre of Thomas Ostermeier, Didier Eribon and Édouard Louis
