Archiv für November 2022

The Double Legacy of Bernalism in Science Diplomacy

Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Volume 45, Issue 4, Page 602-624, December 2022.

Hydrogeological Knowledge from Below: Water Expertise as a Republican Common in Early‐Modern Venice

Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Volume 45, Issue 4, Page 538-560, December 2022.

Enduring Emotions. Fat Time and Weight Loss in the Finnish Body Positive Podcasts Jenny and the Fat Myth Busters and The Soft


Educational therapeutics or a clearing house for exceptional children?: the development of adjustment rooms in Los Angeles, 1916–1923


Georg Kerschensteiner’s influence on the pedagogical thought of the Early Republic era in Türkiye


History of education. State of the art in East and South East Europe: introducing the special issue


Novomu cheloveku – novaia smert’? Pokhoronnaia kul’tura rannego SSSR


Vietnamese indentured labourers: The intervention of the French colonial government in regulating the flow of Vietnamese labourers to the Pacific Islands in the early twentieth century


‘Our Work with the Masses is not Worth a Kopeck … ’: A Document Collection on German and Polish Rural Soviets in Ukraine during the NEP, 1923–1929


The Path to the Soviet Nation: The Policy of Belarusization
