Archiv für Dezember 2022

Instructions for authors

Volume 42, Issue 3, December 2022, Page 351-354.

On statelessness: a modern history, the Francesco Guicciardini prize forum


Modernization on Empty Coffers: Polish Minority Institutions in Early Soviet Ukraine


The Joseph Fletcher prize forum: response to reviewers


Expanding translation through translational cities: The case of Ilan Stavans’s Nuyol


Herren mit Werten von vorgestern


Auch jenseits der »Deutschen Burschenschaft« existieren unter Studentenverbindungen problematische Tendenzen.

Der Beitrag Herren mit Werten von vorgestern erschien zuerst auf der rechte rand.

A modern history of statelessness and the socio-political question


Donald Trump and the survival strategies of international organisations: when can institutional actors counter existential challenges?


Neurosexism, Neurofeminism, and Neurocentrism: From Gendered Brains to Embodied Minds


The Intermediate Education (Ireland) Bill 1878: “a very imperfect attempt to aid Irish intermediate education”?1
