Archiv für Januar 2023

Go-Along Interviews as a Method for Social-Ecological Research on Urban Nature

The application of go-along interviews allows an integrated mix of methods, combining qualitative interviews with participant observation. This facilitates linking discourses and practices. The method’s particular sensitivity to the spatial embeddednes…

„Bring a Picture, Song, or Poem“: Expression Sessions as a Participatory Methodology

Participatory research approaches in which participants are placed at the center of the research have been successfully used to facilitate research engagement and open expression. In this article we describe our experiences of using a novel, hybrid par…

Mixed Methods in Research on the Psychology of the Internet and Social Media

Research on the psychology of the Internet and social media (POISM) is characterized by a heavy methodological compartmentalization. In the current contribution we show empirically that 1. quantitative methods constitute the preferred gold standard of …

Strangers in Paradigms!? Alternatives to Paradigm-Bound Methodology and Methodological Confessionalism

In our paper we discuss and criticize an idea which is often taken for granted in methodological discourses about mixed methods: namely that social researchers in general and mixed methods researchers in particular have to adopt a specific epistemologi…

Qualitative Social Research at a Distance: Potentials and Challenges of Virtual Interviews

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the practice of qualitative interviewing has recently undergone a strong trend toward virtualization. The gold standard of conducting face-to-face interviews had to be translated into a digital format, enabling research…

Mixed Methods Research on Learning and Instruction—Meeting the Challenges of Multiple Perspectives and Levels Within a Complex Field

In this paper, we present and discuss mixed methods research in the context of research on learning and instruction. Education as a field of research can be viewed as highly complex. This complexity is reflected at various levels of the educational sys…

„You Know Now—Talk About It!“ Decolonial Research Perspectives and Missions Assigned in the Research Field

Global relationships of unequal power are perpetuated by academic knowledge production. The latter clearly reflect epistemic violence as well as geopolitical (im)balances of power and knowledge. Decolonializing forms of academic knowledge production an…

The advisory functions of the Italian Council of State


Les origines du Conseil d’État luxembourgeois sous l’emprise du bicaméralisme


The French Council of State, adviser to the government
