Archiv für Mai 2023

Neighbours of passage: a microhistory of migrants in a Paris tenement, 1882–1932


Women’s Labour Universities. Transgression instruments of the model of women during the Franco regime?


Numéro 2023/2 – n° 71 – Pour la cause du peuple ? Le temps long des populismes


A A Realist Approach, Research Design and Engagement in Supporting Researchers. Joseph Maxwell in Conversation With Mechthild Kiegelmann

In conversation with Mechthild KIEGELMANN, Joseph MAXWELL talked about his academic pathway. MAXWELL mentioned biographical phases such as being lost in the field as a young scholar of anthropology, working as a researcher in medical education, teachin…

Transgressing the Linguistic Domain: The Transformative Power of Images in Magnus Hirschfeld’s Sexological Work

Transgender individuals have historically faced exclusion from social research, a systemic issue rooted in a lack of historical information. However, a comprehensive understanding of contemporary transness necessitates examining its history. In this ar…

Flipping the Script in Higher Education: Teaching Qualitative Methods in Geography With Flipped Classroom and Research-Oriented Learning

In this article, I introduce concepts in higher education for teaching qualitative methods in the social sciences, namely flipped classroom and research-oriented learning, and I exemplify and discuss their application to research questions in geography…

Problem-Centered Interviews Online and Offline: A Methodological Reflection

In this paper, I reflect on the transfer of problem-centered interviews to a digital setting. I will compare 26 online interviews with six face-to-face interviews, elaborating on respective advantages and disadvantages. The reflection is based on the s…

Autoethnography in the Vicinity of Death. Sociological Work on and With Challenging Identification Processes

Working thanatosociologically means being scientifically confronted with dying, death and/or bereavement, which does not leave researchers‘ affected life untouched. We would like to use the FQS Debate We Are Talking About Ourselves to provide insights …

Transoptic Landscape Analysis: Multidimensional Landscapes of a Multinational Wales

In this article I propose a novel extension to landscape analysis through multidimensional understandings, including—yet reaching beyond—tangible and into more-than-representational understandings of landscape. This „transoptic“ approach to landscape, …

Situating Digital Artifacts: Impulses of Situational Analysis for the Status of Materiality

Based on three ethnographic dissertation projects, we examine to which extent situational analysis is a suitable approach to analyze the materiality of digital artifacts. The methodological claim of situational analysis to adequately account for the no…