Archiv für Mai 2023

Situational Analysis and Digital Methods

In this paper, I reflect upon the methodological implications of digitization and digital methods for situational analysis. I carefully read Noortje MARRES’s argument for and development of what she called situational analytics. I ask how her proposal…

Invisible, Responsible Women in Sweden – Planning Pregnancies, Choosing Contraceptives


Translating Modern Greek poetry of the 2008 financial crisis


Framing the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Comparison of Political and Media Framing During the First Three Waves in Germany


Mapping Transitions in the Life Course—An Exploration of Process Ontological Potentials and Limits of Situational Analysis

In our article we focus on potentials and challenges that arise in the use of situational analysis for reflexive-relational transition research. We discuss how transitions can be mapped as transformation processes in the life course and mapping can fun…

Children and Implicated Actors Within Social Worlds/Arenas Maps: Reconsidering Situational Analysis From a Childhood Studies Perspective

We discuss situational analysis as an auspicious method for researchers in childhood studies due to its critical-reflexive approach towards power relations, marginalization, and relationalities of collective action—which are topical issues within child…

Translating Ottoman Turkish into Turkish: linguistic hospitality as a politics of intralingual translation


America first, China second, Europe third: Die US-Wahl und der Ukrainekrieg

America first, China second, Europe third: Die US-Wahl und der Ukrainekrieg
24. Mai 2023 – 14:22

US-Präsident Joe Biden in Valhalla, New York, 10.5.2023 (IMAGO / ZUMA Wire / Ron Adar)

Russisch Roulette: Mit den US-Republikanern ins Chaos

Russisch Roulette: Mit den US-Republikanern ins Chaos
24. Mai 2023 – 14:21

Mitch McConnell, Minderheitsführer der Republikaner im Senat, gibt ein Pressestatement zur Schuldenobergrenze. Im Hintergru…

Indien: Auf dem Weg in die Tyrannei?

Indien: Auf dem Weg in die Tyrannei?
24. Mai 2023 – 14:20

Bei Protesten nach Rahul Gandhis Ausschluss aus dem Parlament wurden auch Mitglieder der Kongresspartei festgenommen, Neu-Delhi, 27.3.2023 (…