The article takes as its point of departure the various meanings of the Spanish word "trama", observing and ordering these as they relate to different aspects of the art of printmaking. The phenomenon of trama […]
As a theorist and curator, the Swiss art historian Georg Schmidt (1896-1965), director of the Kunstmuseum Basel from 1939 to 1961, developed a decidedly normative approach to art history, based on a philosophy which […]
The article argues that the debate around Italian Renaissance disegno has tended to overemphasize the rhetoric promoting a separation between design and execution, mind and body, and asserting […]
Artykuł jest propozycją interpretacyjną twórczości Evy Hesse w kontekście ironii romantycznej. Punkt wyjścia rozważań stanowi jeden z tekstów autorstwa Arthura Danto, w którym amerykański filozof dokonuje […]
The article employs the category of Romantic irony for an interpretation of Eva Hesse’s work. It takes as its starting point one of Arthur Danto’s texts, where the American philosopher […]
The present essay aims to remap the modernist writing of Clement Greenberg and his successor Michael Fried from the late 1930s to the 1960s. Attentive reading of the canonical texts they authored will surprisingly reveal that […]
Scamozzi’s Idea della architettura universale (1615) is the last architectural treatise endeavoring to provide a comprehensive and all-encompassing presentation of all theoretical and practical issues pertaining to architecture. […]
Taking previously un-translated writings of critic Pierre Restany as a primary source, this article demonstrates how his vision for the Nouveau Réaliste movement of the 1950s and 1960s demands a […]