Archiv für die Kategorie ‘AHR Exchange’

AHR Conversation: Religious Identities and Violence

Philip Benedict, Nora Berend, Stephen Ellis, Jeffrey Kaplan, Ussama Makdisi and Jack Miles

The American Historical Review, Volume 112, Issue 5, Page 1432-1481, Dec., 2007.

Entangled Atlantic Histories: A Response from the Anglo-American Periphery

Eliga H. Gould

The American Historical Review, Volume 112, Issue 5, Page 1415-1422, Dec., 2007.

The Core and Peripheries of Our National Narratives: A Response from IH-35

Jorge Cañizares-Esguerra

The American Historical Review, Volume 112, Issue 5, Page 1423-1431, Dec., 2007.


The American Historical Review, Volume 112, Issue 5, Page 1414, Dec., 2007.