The authors present the complex reception history of two paintings in the Dutch Painting Collection at the Strossmayer Gallery of Old Masters in Zagreb, reconstructing their provenance […]
Przedmiotem artykułu są rozważania na temat specyfiki Europy Środkowej w zakresie kolekcji i muzeów sztuki współczesnej oraz możliwość stworzenia alternatywy […]
The paper presents reflections on the specificity of collections and museums of contemporary art in Central Europe and considers a possibility of creating a regional alternative for the West. The analysis […]
The paper presents reflections on the specificity of collections and museums of contemporary art in Central Europe and considers a possibility of creating a regional alternative for the West. The analysis […]
This article concerns the generation of anti-competitive practices, and the associated discontents, that rose to the fore in the London sculpture trade in the late eighteenth century (1770-1799). It charts the […]
The traveling exhibition "The Steins Collect" draws attention to the importance of the canon-shaping work that took place in two tiny Parisian ateliers at the beginning of the 20th century […]
At the beginning of the 19th century, German artists lived in Italy and worked as art agents for art galleries in their home countries. One such art trade partner was the Städelsches Kunstinstitut in Frankfurt am Main. One of their art agents […]
The article analyses the state of the photography auction market in Poland on the basis of the sales in the period from the first photography auction (1996) until the end of 2011. The data allow the reader to discover […]
W artykule podjęta została analiza stanu aukcyjnego rynku fotografii w Polsce w oparciu o wyniki sprzedaży z okresu od pierwszej aukcji fotografii (1996) do końca 2011 roku. Dane te pozwalają czytelnikowi na zapoznanie się z […]