Archiv für die Kategorie ‘article’

Erratum: Erratum

Jane Barr

The Journal of Modern History, Volume 87, Issue 2, Page 508, June 2015.

Ken Loach and the Save the Children Film: Humanitarianism, Imperialism, and the Changing Role of Charity in Postwar Britain

Matthew Hilton

The Journal of Modern History, Volume 87, Issue 2, Page 357-394, June 2015.

Population Registration, Social Planning, and the Discourse on Privacy Protection in West Germany

Larry Frohman

The Journal of Modern History, Volume 87, Issue 2, Page 316-356, June 2015.

Empire, “Popery,” and the Fall of English Tangier, 1662–1684

Gabriel Glickman

The Journal of Modern History, Volume 87, Issue 2, Page 247-280, June 2015.

Luther – Ein tüchtiger Ökonom? Über die monetären Ursprünge der Deutschen Reformation

Zeitschrift für Historische Forschung, Volume 42, Issue 1, Page 37-74, 2015.


Zeitschrift für Historische Forschung, Volume 42, Issue 1, Page 75-185, 2015.

Symbolische Kommunikation über Festungen. Machiavelli und der Fortifikationsdiskurs im 16. Jahrhundert

Zeitschrift für Historische Forschung, Volume 42, Issue 1, Page 1-36, 2015.

Pliny/Trajan and the Poetics of Empire

Greg Woolf

Classical Philology, Volume 110, Issue 2, Page 132-151, April 2015.

Five Letters Attributed to Dio of Prusa

Christopher P. Jones

Classical Philology, Volume 110, Issue 2, Page 124-131, April 2015.

The Poetics of Sound: Callimachus’ Rereading of Pindar Fragment 70B S.-M.

Deborah Steiner

Classical Philology, Volume 110, Issue 2, Page 99-123, April 2015.