Archiv für die Kategorie ‘article’

“Counterfeit in Character but Persuasive in Appearance”: Reviewing the Ainigma of the Tabula Cebetis

Michael Squire and Jonas Grethlein

Classical Philology, Volume 109, Issue 4, Page 285-324, October 2014.

Books Received

Classical Philology, Volume 109, Issue 4, Page 377-379, October 2014.

The Naturalistic Fallacy Is Modern

Lorraine Daston

Isis, Volume 105, Issue 3, Page 579-587, September 2014.


Isis, Volume 105, Issue 3, Page vi, September 2014.

Farewell from the York Isis Office

Bernard Lightman

Isis, Volume 105, Issue 3, Page 475-476, September 2014.

Race and Laboratory Norms: The Critical Insights of Julian Herman Lewis (1891–1989)

Christopher Crenner

Isis, Volume 105, Issue 3, Page 477-507, September 2014.

Botanical Authority: Benjamin Delessert’s Collections between Travelers and Candolle’s Natural Method (1803–1847)

Thierry Hoquet

Isis, Volume 105, Issue 3, Page 508-539, September 2014.

Notes on Contributors

Isis, Volume 105, Issue 3, Page 676-679, September 2014.

Eloge: Mark Russell Finlay (15 September 1960–6 October 2013)

Alan Rocke

Isis, Volume 105, Issue 3, Page 617-620, September 2014.

Getting Ahead of One’s Self?: The Common Culture of Immunology and Philosophy

Warwick Anderson

Isis, Volume 105, Issue 3, Page 606-616, September 2014.