Archiv für die Kategorie ‘article’

Arnold Toynbee and the Industrial Revolution: The Science of History, Political Economy and the Machine Past

Daniel C. S. Wilson

History and Memory, Volume 26, Issue 2, Page 133-161, October 2014.

History of education research in Australia: some current trends and possible directions for the future

Paedagogica Historica, Ahead of Print.

History of Education in Canada: historiographic “turns” and widening horizons

Paedagogica Historica, Ahead of Print.

Connected and entangled histories: writing histories of education in the Indian context

Paedagogica Historica, Ahead of Print.

Audio-description reloaded: An analysis of visual scenes in 2012 and Hero

Translation Studies, Ahead of Print.

Education and social selection in ancient China: semantics, conceptual transformation and social change

Paedagogica Historica, Ahead of Print.

Language and identity in a post-Soviet world: language of education and linguistic identity among Azerbaijani students

Nationalities Papers, Ahead of Print.

The Democratic Idiom: Languages of Democracy in the Chartist Movement

Peter J. Gurney

The Journal of Modern History, Volume 86, Issue 3, Page 566-602, September 2014.

Enlightenment Rights Talk

Dan Edelstein

The Journal of Modern History, Volume 86, Issue 3, Page 530-565, September 2014.

Reinventing “Red Vienna” after 1945: Habitus, Patronage, and the Foundations of Municipal Social Democratic Dominance

Matthew Paul Berg

The Journal of Modern History, Volume 86, Issue 3, Page 603-632, September 2014.