Archiv für die Kategorie ‘article’

Managing Free Trade in Early Modern Europe: Institutions, Information, and the Free Port of Livorno

Corey Tazzara

The Journal of Modern History, Volume 86, Issue 3, Page 493-529, September 2014.

Muslim Women Managing Women’s Shelters: Somaya, the Muslimwoman and Religion as Resource

NORA – Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research, Ahead of Print.

The Asaba massacre and the Nigerian civil war: reclaiming hidden history

Journal of Genocide Research, Volume 16, Issue 2-3, Page 379-399, June–September 2014.

Imagined nations and imaginary Nigeria: Chinua Achebe’s quest for a country

Journal of Genocide Research, Volume 16, Issue 2-3, Page 401-419, June–September 2014.

‘Biafra of the mind’: MASSOB and the mobilization of history

Journal of Genocide Research, Volume 16, Issue 2-3, Page 355-378, June–September 2014.

The Biafran secession and the limits of self-determination

Journal of Genocide Research, Volume 16, Issue 2-3, Page 337-354, June–September 2014.

‘And starvation is the grim reaper’: the American Committee to Keep Biafra Alive and the genocide question during the Nigerian civil war, 1968–70

Journal of Genocide Research, Volume 16, Issue 2-3, Page 317-336, June–September 2014.

‘Ours is a war of survival’: Biafra, Nigeria and arguments about genocide, 1966–70

Journal of Genocide Research, Volume 16, Issue 2-3, Page 205-225, June–September 2014.

Humanitarian encounters: Biafra, NGOs and imaginings of the Third World in Britain and Ireland, 1967–70

Journal of Genocide Research, Volume 16, Issue 2-3, Page 299-315, June–September 2014.

The UK and ‘genocide’ in Biafra

Journal of Genocide Research, Volume 16, Issue 2-3, Page 247-262, June–September 2014.