Archiv für die Kategorie ‘article’

Marketing genocide: Biafran propaganda strategies during the Nigerian civil war, 1967–70

Journal of Genocide Research, Volume 16, Issue 2-3, Page 227-246, June–September 2014.

Israel, Nigeria and the Biafra civil war, 1967–70

Journal of Genocide Research, Volume 16, Issue 2-3, Page 263-280, June–September 2014.

The Nigeria–Biafra war: postcolonial conflict and the question of genocide

Journal of Genocide Research, Volume 16, Issue 2-3, Page 169-203, June–September 2014.

Dealing with ‘genocide’: the ICRC and the UN during the Nigeria–Biafra war, 1967–70

Journal of Genocide Research, Volume 16, Issue 2-3, Page 281-297, June–September 2014.

Alltag zwischen Konflikt und Toleranz. Beobachtungen zur Konfessionspolitik Brandenburg-Preußens im 18. Jahrhundert

Zeitschrift für Historische Forschung, Volume 41, Issue 2, Page 231-260, 2014.


Zeitschrift für Historische Forschung, Volume 41, Issue 2, Page 261-374, 2014.

Kirchgenossen an der Macht. Vormoderne politische Kultur in den „Pfarreirepubliken“ von Gersau und Dithmarschen

Zeitschrift für Historische Forschung, Volume 41, Issue 2, Page 187-230, 2014.

‘Rushing the growler’: can rushing and working-class politicization in the Gilded Age and Progressive Era

Labor History, Ahead of Print.

Theorizing national preference formation

Cambridge Review of International Affairs, Ahead of Print.

A social theory of war: Clausewitz and war reconsidered

Cambridge Review of International Affairs, Ahead of Print.