Archiv für die Kategorie ‘article’

The UNGA—a talking shop? Exploring rationales for the repetition of resolutions in subsequent negotiations

Cambridge Review of International Affairs, Ahead of Print.

Constructing new environments versus attitude adjustment: contrasting the substance of democracy in UN and EU democracy promotion discourses

Cambridge Review of International Affairs, Ahead of Print.

Circulation and internationalisation of pedagogical concepts and practices in the discourse of education: The Hamburg school reform experiment (1919–1933)

Paedagogica Historica, Volume 50, Issue 5, Page 580-598, October 2014.

Multilingualism in urban Hungary, 1880–1910

Nationalities Papers, Ahead of Print.

Artisan dynamics in the age of colonialism: the social history of Moroccan Jewish goldsmiths in the inter-war period

European Review of History: Revue europeenne d’histoire, Ahead of Print.

Cosmetic agreements and the cracks beneath: ideological convergences and divergences in US and EU democracy promotion in civil society

Cambridge Review of International Affairs, Ahead of Print.

Unacademic academics: Holocaust deniers and trivializers in post-Communist Romania

Nationalities Papers, Ahead of Print.

Playing for and against the nation: football in interwar Romania

Nationalities Papers, Ahead of Print.

Between Darius and Khomeini: exploring Iran’s national identity problematique

National Identities, Ahead of Print.

The conceptual essentials of minimum: explaining Pakistan’s rationale of minimum deterrence

Cambridge Review of International Affairs, Ahead of Print.