Archiv für die Kategorie ‘Articles’

Manipulating Information in the Ancien Régime: Ceremonial Records, Aristocratic Strategies, and the Limits of the State Perspective

Giora Sternberg

The Journal of Modern History, Volume 85, Issue 2, Page 239-279, June 2013.

The Streetscape of Economic Crisis: Commerce, Politics, and Urban Space in Interwar Berlin

Molly Loberg

The Journal of Modern History, Volume 85, Issue 2, Page 364-402, June 2013.

Commodifying the Self Within: Ghosts, Libels, and the Crook Life Story in Interwar Britain

Matt Houlbrook

The Journal of Modern History, Volume 85, Issue 2, Page 321-363, June 2013.

Romantic Attitudes toward Oriental Despotism

Chen Tzoref-Ashkenazi

The Journal of Modern History, Volume 85, Issue 2, Page 280-320, June 2013.

The Semantics of ENAΓΩNIOΣ in Greek Literary Criticism

Steven Ooms and Casper C. de Jonge

Classical Philology, Volume 108, Issue 2, Page 95-110, April 2013.

An Amateur’s Art: Paris and Helen in Ovid’s Heroides

Megan O. Drinkwater

Classical Philology, Volume 108, Issue 2, Page 111-125, April 2013.

Imagery and Education In Plutarch

Sophia A. Xenophontos

Classical Philology, Volume 108, Issue 2, Page 126-138, April 2013.

“A Story of Betrayal”: Conceptualizing Variants of Capitalism in the Nuremberg War Crimes Trials

Kim Christian Priemel

The Journal of Modern History, Volume 85, Issue 1, Page 69-108, March 2013.

The Rhine Crisis of 1840 and German Nationalism: Chauvinism, Skepticism, and Regional Reception

James M. Brophy

The Journal of Modern History, Volume 85, Issue 1, Page 1-35, March 2013.

Celebrating the “Nation” in a Colonial Context: “Bastille Day” and the Contested Public Space in Algeria, 1880–1939

Jan C. Jansen

The Journal of Modern History, Volume 85, Issue 1, Page 36-68, March 2013.