Archiv für die Kategorie ‘Book Reviews’

Review: Mary Louise Roberts, What Soldiers Do: Sex and the American GI in World War II France

Review by: Laura L. Frader

The Journal of Modern History, Volume 87, Issue 2, Page 460-461, June 2015.

Review: Kevin Passmore, The Right in France from the Third Republic to Vichy

Review by: Philip Nord

The Journal of Modern History, Volume 87, Issue 2, Page 455-458, June 2015.

Review: Jeremy F. Lane, Jazz and Machine-Age Imperialism: Music, “Race,” and Intellectuals in France, 1918–1945

Review by: Jeffrey H. Jackson

The Journal of Modern History, Volume 87, Issue 2, Page 458-459, June 2015.

Review: Nicolas Le Roux, Le roi, la cour, l’État: De la Renaissance à l’absolutisme

Review by: Lawrence M. Bryant

The Journal of Modern History, Volume 87, Issue 2, Page 443-444, June 2015.

Review: Emily Mayhew, Wounded: A New History of the Western Front in World War I

Review by: Tammy Proctor

The Journal of Modern History, Volume 87, Issue 2, Page 440-441, June 2015.

Review: Patrick Joyce, The State of Freedom: A Social History of the British State since 1800

Review by: Peter Mandler

The Journal of Modern History, Volume 87, Issue 2, Page 438-439, June 2015.

Review: Graham Farmelo, Churchill’s Bomb: How the United States Overtook Britain in the First Nuclear Arms Race

Review by: Chris Wrigley

The Journal of Modern History, Volume 87, Issue 2, Page 441-443, June 2015.

Review: Gary B. McCollim, Louis XIV’s Assault on Privilege: Nicolas Desmaretz and the Tax on Wealth

Review by: William Beik

The Journal of Modern History, Volume 87, Issue 2, Page 447-448, June 2015.

Review: Camille Robcis, The Law of Kinship: Anthropology, Psychoanalysis, and the Family in France

Review by: Eli Zaretsky

The Journal of Modern History, Volume 87, Issue 2, Page 452-454, June 2015.

Review: Cyril Triolaire, Le théâtre en province pendant le Consulat et l’Empire

Review by: Lauren R. Clay

The Journal of Modern History, Volume 87, Issue 2, Page 454-455, June 2015.