Archiv für die Kategorie ‘Book Reviews’

Review: Ferdinand Beneke, Die Tagebücher I (1792–1801)

Review by: Peter Fritzsche

The Journal of Modern History, Volume 87, Issue 1, Page 224-226, March 2015.

Review: Moritz Föllmer, Individuality and Modernity in Berlin: Self and Society from Weimar to the Wall

Review by: Michael Meng

The Journal of Modern History, Volume 87, Issue 1, Page 228-229, March 2015.

Review: Rebecca Ayako Bennette, Fighting for the Soul of Germany: The Catholic Struggle for Inclusion after Unification

Review by: Jeffrey Zalar

The Journal of Modern History, Volume 87, Issue 1, Page 226-227, March 2015.

Review: Jens-Uwe Guettel, German Expansionism, Imperial Liberalism and the United States, 1776–1945John Phillip Short, Magic Lantern Empire: Colonialism and Society in Germany

Review by: H. Glenn Penny

The Journal of Modern History, Volume 87, Issue 1, Page 221-224, March 2015.

Review: Adelheid Voskuhl, Androids in the Enlightenment: Mechanics, Artisans, and Cultures of the Self

Review by: Minsoo Kang

The Journal of Modern History, Volume 87, Issue 1, Page 219-221, March 2015.

Review: Wenkai He, Paths toward the Modern Fiscal State: England, Japan, and China

Review by: Tuan-Hwee Sng

The Journal of Modern History, Volume 87, Issue 1, Page 148-149, March 2015.

Review: Elizabeth A. Foster, Faith in Empire: Religion, Politics, and Colonial Rule in French Senegal, 1880–1940

Review by: Lorelle D. Semley

The Journal of Modern History, Volume 87, Issue 1, Page 193-194, March 2015.

Review: Rebecca Rogers, A Frenchwoman’s Imperial Story: Madame Luce in Nineteenth-Century Algeria

Review by: Denise Z. Davidson

The Journal of Modern History, Volume 87, Issue 1, Page 191-192, March 2015.

Review: Wolfgang Schmale, Das 18. Jahrhundert

Review by: Rita Krueger

The Journal of Modern History, Volume 87, Issue 1, Page 150-151, March 2015.

Review: Trica Danielle Keaton, T. Denean Sharpley-Whiting, and Tyler Stovall, eds., Black France/France Noire: The History and Politics of Blackness

Review by: Elisa Camiscioli

The Journal of Modern History, Volume 87, Issue 1, Page 194-196, March 2015.