Archiv für die Kategorie ‘Book Reviews’

Review: Jerry White, A Great and Monstrous Thing: London in the Eighteenth Century

Review by: Randall McGowen

The Journal of Modern History, Volume 86, Issue 4, Page 897-898, December 2014.

Review: Thomas W. Maulucci, Adenauer’s Foreign Office: West German Diplomacy in the Shadow of the Third Reich

Review by: Noel D. Cary

The Journal of Modern History, Volume 86, Issue 4, Page 972-974, December 2014.

Review: Marie-Pierre Rey and Susan Emanuel, Alexander I: The Tsar Who Defeated Napoleon

Review by: Susan P. McCaffray

The Journal of Modern History, Volume 86, Issue 4, Page 978-980, December 2014.

Review: Iain McDaniel, Adam Ferguson in the Scottish Enlightenment: The Roman Past and Europe’s Future

Review by: Fredrik Albritton Jonsson

The Journal of Modern History, Volume 86, Issue 4, Page 898-900, December 2014.

Review: Elissa Bemporad, Deborah Dash Moore, and Marsha L. Rozenblit, eds., Becoming Soviet Jews: The Bolshevik Experiment in Minsk

Review by: Robert Weinberg

The Journal of Modern History, Volume 86, Issue 4, Page 982-983, December 2014.

Review: Louise McReynolds, Murder Most Russian: True Crime and Punishment in Late Imperial Russia

Review by: Faith Hillis

The Journal of Modern History, Volume 86, Issue 4, Page 980-982, December 2014.

Review: Charles Ingrao, Thomas A. Emmert, Charles Ingrao, and Gary B. Cohen, eds., Confronting the Yugoslav Controversies: A Scholars’ Initiative

Review by: Carol Lilly

The Journal of Modern History, Volume 86, Issue 4, Page 976-978, December 2014.

Review: John B. Radner, Johnson and Boswell: A Biography of Friendship

Review by: Philip Carter

The Journal of Modern History, Volume 86, Issue 4, Page 900-902, December 2014.

Review: James Epstein, Catherine Hall, Mrinalini Sinha, and Kathleen Wilson, eds., Scandal of Colonial Rule: Power and Subversion in the British Atlantic during the Age of Revolution

Review by: James Sidbury

The Journal of Modern History, Volume 86, Issue 4, Page 902-904, December 2014.

Review: Roland Quinault, Roger Swift, and Ruth Clayton Windscheffel, eds., William Gladstone: New Studies and Perspectives

Review by: James J. Sack

The Journal of Modern History, Volume 86, Issue 4, Page 904-905, December 2014.