Archiv für die Kategorie ‘Book Reviews’

Review: Willy Cohn, Norbert Conrads, Kenneth Kronenberg, Aron Rodrigue, and Steven J. Zipperstein, eds., No Justice in Germany: The Breslau Diaries, 1933–1941

Review by: Robin Judd

The Journal of Modern History, Volume 86, Issue 4, Page 967-968, December 2014.

Review: Miriam Eliav-Feldon, Renaissance Impostors and Proofs of Identity

Review by: Jon R. Snyder

The Journal of Modern History, Volume 86, Issue 4, Page 865-866, December 2014.

Review: Laura Jockusch, Collect and Record! Jewish Holocaust Documentation in Early Postwar EuropeRegula Ludi, Reparations for Nazi Victims in Postwar Europe

Review by: R. M. Douglas

The Journal of Modern History, Volume 86, Issue 4, Page 862-864, December 2014.

Review: Monika Kubrova and Heinz Reif, eds., Vom guten Leben: Adelige Frauen im 19. Jahrhundert

Review by: Mary Jo Maynes

The Journal of Modern History, Volume 86, Issue 4, Page 952-954, December 2014.

Review: Kathleen Canning, Kerstin Barndt, Kristin McGuire, and David M. Luebke, eds., Weimar Publics/Weimar Subjects: Rethinking the Political Culture of Germany in the 1920sJohn Alexander Williams, Erik D. Weitz, and Jack Zipes, eds., Weimar Culture RevisitedTimothy S. Brown, Weimar Radicals: Nazis and Communists between Authenticity and Performance

Review by: Julia Roos

The Journal of Modern History, Volume 86, Issue 4, Page 955-961, December 2014.

Review: Richard Butterwick, The Polish Revolution and the Catholic Church, 1788–1792: A Political History

Review by: Piotr H. Kosicki

The Journal of Modern History, Volume 86, Issue 4, Page 951-952, December 2014.

Review: Christine Kooi, Calvinists and Catholics during Holland’s Golden Age: Heretics and Idolaters

Review by: Jesse Spohnholz

The Journal of Modern History, Volume 86, Issue 4, Page 947-949, December 2014.

Review: Larry Wolff, Paolina’s Innocence: Child Abuse in Casanova’s Venice

Review by: Caroline Castiglione

The Journal of Modern History, Volume 86, Issue 4, Page 946-947, December 2014.

Review: Richard Scully, British Images of Germany: Admiration, Antagonism, and Ambivalence, 1860–1914

Review by: Andreas Rose

The Journal of Modern History, Volume 86, Issue 4, Page 877-879, December 2014.

Review: E. Natalie Rothman, Brokering Empire: Trans-Imperial Subjects between Venice and Istanbul

Review by: Snjezana Buzov

The Journal of Modern History, Volume 86, Issue 4, Page 944-946, December 2014.