Archiv für die Kategorie ‘Book Reviews’

Review: J. A. S. Grenville, The Jews and Germans of Hamburg: The Destruction of a Civilization, 1790–1945Michael Werner and Lothar Gall, eds., Stiftungsstadt und Bürgertum: Hamburgs Stiftungskultur vom Kaiserreich bis in den Nationalsozialimus

Review by: Jennifer L. Jenkins

The Journal of Modern History, Volume 86, Issue 3, Page 716-719, September 2014.

Review: Kateřina Čapková, Derek Paton, and Marzia Paton, Czechs, Germans, Jews? National Identity and the Jews of Bohemia

Review by: Marsha Rozenblit

The Journal of Modern History, Volume 86, Issue 3, Page 719-721, September 2014.

Review: Lisa Silverman, Becoming Austrians: Jews and Culture between the World Wars

Review by: Maureen Healy

The Journal of Modern History, Volume 86, Issue 3, Page 724-725, September 2014.

Review: Scott Ury, Aron Rodrigue, and Steven J. Zipperstein, eds., Barricades and Banners: The Revolution of 1905 and the Transformation of Warsaw Jewry

Review by: Joshua D. Zimmerman

The Journal of Modern History, Volume 86, Issue 3, Page 721-723, September 2014.

Review: Winson Chu, Hartmut Berghoff, and David Lazar, eds., The German Minority in Interwar Poland

Review by: Elizabeth Harvey

The Journal of Modern History, Volume 86, Issue 3, Page 725-727, September 2014.

Review: Carlo Ginzburg, Anne C. Tedeschi, and John Tedeschi, Threads and Traces: True False Fictive

Review by: Peter N. Miller

The Journal of Modern History, Volume 86, Issue 3, Page 633-634, September 2014.

Review: Daniel Riches and David Kirby, eds., Protestant Cosmopolitanism and Diplomatic Culture: Brandenburg-Swedish Relations in the Seventeenth Century

Review by: Mary Lindemann

The Journal of Modern History, Volume 86, Issue 3, Page 642-644, September 2014.

Review: Geoffrey Parker, Global Crisis: War, Climate Change, and Catastrophe in the Seventeenth Century

Review by: Markus Vink

The Journal of Modern History, Volume 86, Issue 3, Page 640-642, September 2014.

Review: Deborah R. Coen, The Earthquake Observers: Disaster Science from Lisbon to Richter

Review by: James Rodger Fleming

The Journal of Modern History, Volume 86, Issue 3, Page 656-657, September 2014.

Review: R. M. Douglas, Orderly and Humane: The Expulsion of the Germans after the Second World War

Review by: Andrea Orzoff

The Journal of Modern History, Volume 86, Issue 3, Page 657-659, September 2014.