Archiv für die Kategorie ‘Dematerialisation’

„Ökonomisierung“ der Hochschulen. Ein Rückblick.

Looking back to the years from 1995 to 2010, different aspects of the so called economisation of higher education are recalled: competition, economic education management and deregulation of admission to higher edu­-cation. Of special interest are some limitations in the economic approach as such: the tendency toward quantification and dichotomisation, toward instrumental rationality and toward a methodical oblivion of nature. As for the economisation of science, it is diagnosed a fundamental and accelerated pressure concerning technological innovations, according to theories of economic growth with endogenous technological change, and resulting from the dematerialisation of numerous products including scientific knowledge itself. The elites of science seem to be a new ruling class to which today´s ecological challenges are something like a legitimational windfall in the business of knowledge economy which, apart from this, has become totally self-referential.