Archiv für die Kategorie ‘early modern period’

0084 Marta Ajmar, Mechanical Disegno

The article argues that the debate around Italian Renaissance disegno has tended to overemphasize the rhetoric promoting a separation between design and execution, mind and body, and asserting […]

0067 Liliana Krantz-Domasłowska, Miasta podwójne w państwie krzyżackim – przykład Torunia

Toruń to pierwszy na terenie państwa krzyżackiego przykład miasta podwójnego. Wczesna, trzynastowieczna metryka Starego i Nowego Miasta skłania do pytania o przyczyny, jak […]

0068 Liliana Krantz-Domasłowska, Double cities in the Teutonic state on the example of Toruń

Toruń is the first exemplification of a double city on the territory of the Teutonic state. The ancient, 13th-century pedigree of the Old and New Town prompts a question about […]

0060 Werner Oechslin, L’idea della architettura universale: Vincenzo Scamozzis Grundlegung einer Theorie der Architektur

Scamozzi’s Idea della architettura universale (1615) is the last architectural treatise endeavoring to provide a comprehensive and all-encompassing presentation of all theoretical and practical issues pertaining to architecture. […]

0059 Margaret Daly Davis, Vincenzo Scamozzi als Leser der antiken Schriftquellen und Denkmäler: Der "Indice copiosissimo" zu Sebastiano Serlio

Already in his early youth Sebastiano Serlio’s writings were well-known to Vincenzo Scamozzi. In particular Serlio’s third book, dedicated to ancient Roman architecture, and his first two books on geometry and perspective, formed […]

0058 Hubertus Günther, Scamozzi kommentiert Serlio

This article presents the Serlio-copy of 1551 with the glosses of Scamozzi which the Ernst von Siemens Foundation has acquired for the library of the Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte. We present the realia of the volume and the glosses in the conte…

0063 Eduardo Lamas-Delgado, Partnership between painters and sculptors in 17th-century Spain: on model drawings by Francisco Rizi for an altarpiece of the Expectant Virgin

This paper deals with a case study of the collaboration between sculptors and painters in the context of the construction of altarpieces in 17th-century Spain. It analyses […]

0056 Daniela Wagner, Das Ende der Welt ist nicht das Ende der Tugend. Tintorettos Jüngstes Gericht für Venedig

Tintoretto’s Last Judgement of Madonna dell’Orto in Venice includes an unusual detail: the scene of a flood. While Tintoretto refers to Michelangelo’s Sixtine Chapel Judgement in form and structure, the depiction of […]