Archiv für die Kategorie ‘Early Modern (Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries)Book Reviews’

Review: Angela Bandinelli. Le origini chimiche della vita: Legami tra la rivoluzione di Lavoisier e la biologia di Lamarck.

Review by: Giuliano Pancaldi

Isis, Volume 106, Issue 1, Page 192-193, March 2015.

Review: Daniela Prögler. English Students at Leiden University, 1575–1650: “Advancing Your Abilities in Learning and Bettering Your Understanding of the World and State Affairs.”.

Review by: Harold J. Cook

Isis, Volume 106, Issue 1, Page 185-186, March 2015.

Review: Peter Elmer. The Miraculous Conformist: Valentine Greatrakes, the Body Politic, and the Politics of Healing in Restoration Britain.

Review by: Mark Jenner

Isis, Volume 106, Issue 1, Page 184-185, March 2015.

Review: Georges-Louis Leclerc de Buffon; Stéphane Schmitt; Cédric Crémière, eds. Oeuvres complètes. Volume 5: Histoire naturelle, générale et particulière, avec la description du Cabinet du Roi.Georges-Louis Leclerc de Buffon; Stéphane Schmitt; Cédric Crémière, eds. Oeuvres complètes. Volume 7: Histoire naturelle, générale et particulière, avec la description du Cabinet du Roi.

Review by: Paul Lawrence Farber

Isis, Volume 106, Issue 1, Page 187-188, March 2015.

Review: Reid Barbour. Sir Thomas Browne: A Life.

Review by: Vivian Nutton

Isis, Volume 106, Issue 1, Page 186-187, March 2015.

Review: Michael Hoskin; David Dewhirst; Wolfgang Steinicke. The Construction of the Heavens: William Herschel’s Cosmology.

Review by: James Evans

Isis, Volume 106, Issue 1, Page 189-190, March 2015.

Review: Adelheid Voskuhl. Androids in the Enlightenment: Mechanics, Artisans, and Cultures of the Self.

Review by: Jennifer Karns Alexander

Isis, Volume 106, Issue 1, Page 188-189, March 2015.

Review: Christopher P. Iannini. Fatal Revolutions: Natural History, West Indian Slavery, and the Routes of American Literature.

Review by: Mark Madison

Isis, Volume 106, Issue 1, Page 190-191, March 2015.

Review: Anna Echterhölter. Schattengefechte: Genealogische Praktiken in Nachrufen auf Naturwissenschaftler (1710–1860).

Review by: Kelly J. Whitmer

Isis, Volume 106, Issue 1, Page 191-192, March 2015.

Review: Maurice A. Finocchiaro. The Routledge Guidebook to Galileo’s Dialogue.

Review by: Crystal Hall

Isis, Volume 106, Issue 1, Page 182-183, March 2015.