Archiv für die Kategorie ‘Early Modern (Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries)Book Reviews’

Review: Sean Cocco. Watching Vesuvius: A History of Science and Culture in Early Modern Italy.

Review by: Maria Conforti

Isis, Volume 105, Issue 2, Page 432-433, June 2014.

Review: Klaas van Berkel. Isaac Beeckman on Matter and Motion: Mechanical Philosophy in the Making.

Review by: John A. Schuster

Isis, Volume 105, Issue 2, Page 444-445, June 2014.

Review: Daniel Stolzenberg. Egyptian Oedipus: Athanasius Kircher and the Secrets of Antiquity.

Review by: Mark A. Waddell

Isis, Volume 105, Issue 2, Page 443-444, June 2014.

Review: Anna Marie Roos. Web of Nature: Martin Lister (1639–1712), the First Arachnologist.

Review by: Mary Pickard Winsor

Isis, Volume 105, Issue 2, Page 442-443, June 2014.

Review: Rhodri Lewis. William Petty on the Order of Nature: An Unpublished Manuscript Treatise.

Review by: Andrea Rusnock

Isis, Volume 105, Issue 2, Page 439-440, June 2014.

Review: Eric Jorink; Ad Maas, eds. Newton and the Netherlands: How Isaac Newton Was Fashioned in the Dutch Republic.

Review by: Stephen Gaukroger

Isis, Volume 105, Issue 2, Page 438-439, June 2014.

Review: Alain Mothu. La pensée en cornue: Matérialisme, alchimie et saviors secrets à l’âge classique.

Review by: Luc Peterschmitt

Isis, Volume 105, Issue 2, Page 440-441, June 2014.

Review: Janice Neri. The Insect and the Image: Visualizing Nature in Early Modern Europe, 1500–1700.

Review by: Eric Jorink

Isis, Volume 105, Issue 2, Page 441-442, June 2014.

Review: Reid Barbour; David Norbrook; Maria Cristina Zerbino, eds. The Works of Lucy Hutchinson.

Review by: Catherine Wilson

Isis, Volume 105, Issue 1, Page 216-217, March 2014.

Review: Kenneth Quickenden; Sally Baggott; Malcolm Dick, eds. Matthew Boulton: Enterprising Industrialist of the Enlightenment.

Review by: Larry Stewart

Isis, Volume 105, Issue 1, Page 225-226, March 2014.