Archiv für die Kategorie ‘Europe: Early Modern and ModernReviews of Books’

Book Review: Brent E. Kinser. The American Civil War in the Shaping of British Democracy.

Robert Saunders

The American Historical Review, Volume 117, Issue 3, Page 930-931, June 2012.

Book Review: Sam Johnson. Pogroms, Peasants, Jews: Britain and Eastern Europe’s “Jewish Question,” 1867–1925.

Geoffrey Alderman

The American Historical Review, Volume 117, Issue 3, Page 931-932, June 2012.

Book Review: Gerald MacLean and Nabil Matar. Britain and the Islamic World, 1558–1713.

Michael H. Fisher

The American Historical Review, Volume 117, Issue 3, Page 924-925, June 2012.

Book Review: Warren Johnston. Revelation Restored: The Apocalypse in Later Seventeenth-Century England.

William E. Burns

The American Historical Review, Volume 117, Issue 3, Page 923-924, June 2012.

Book Review: Quentin Skinner, ed. Families and States in Western Europe.

Tara Zahra

The American Historical Review, Volume 117, Issue 3, Page 922-923, June 2012.

Book Review: William Philpott. Three Armies on the Somme: The First Battle of the Twentieth Century.

John H. MorrowJr.

The American Historical Review, Volume 117, Issue 3, Page 921, June 2012.

Book Review: Joseph M. Fewster. The Keelmen of Tyneside: Labour Organisation and Conflict in the North-East Coal Industry, 1600–1830.

Simon Cordery

The American Historical Review, Volume 117, Issue 3, Page 928-929, June 2012.

Book Review: James G. Patterson. In the Wake of the Great Rebellion: Republicanism, Agrarianism and Banditry in Ireland after 1798.

Sean Farrell

The American Historical Review, Volume 117, Issue 3, Page 927-928, June 2012.

Book Review: Jonathan Scott. When the Waves Ruled Britannia: Geography and Political Identities, 1500–1800.

John R. Gillis

The American Historical Review, Volume 117, Issue 3, Page 925-926, June 2012.

Book Review: Stephen Conway. Britain, Ireland, and Continental Europe in the Eighteenth Century: Similarities, Connections, Identities.

J. C. D. Clark

The American Historical Review, Volume 117, Issue 3, Page 926-927, June 2012.