Archiv für die Kategorie ‘Focus: The History of Humanities and the History of Science’

A Third Note: Helmholtz, Palestrina, and the Early History of Musicology

Julia Kursell

Isis, Volume 106, Issue 2, Page 353-366, June 2015.

Introduction: The Humanities and the Sciences

Rens Bod and Julia Kursell

Isis, Volume 106, Issue 2, Page 337-340, June 2015.

A Diversity of Divisions: Tracing the History of the Demarcation between the Sciences and the Humanities

Jeroen Bouterse and Bart Karstens

Isis, Volume 106, Issue 2, Page 341-352, June 2015.

History of Science and History of Philologies

Lorraine Daston and Glenn W. Most

Isis, Volume 106, Issue 2, Page 378-390, June 2015.

A Comparative Framework for Studying the Histories of the Humanities and Science

Rens Bod

Isis, Volume 106, Issue 2, Page 367-377, June 2015.