Archiv für die Kategorie ‘Journal of Modern European History’

Mächtige Signale. Informelle Kommunikation und Herrschaft an Stalins Hof, 1927–1940

Mächtige Signale. Informelle Kommunikation und Herrschaft an Stalins Hof, 1927–1940Der Artikel untersucht den Zusammenhang zwischen informeller Kommunikation und Herrschaft an Stalins Hof. Zu diesem Zweck werden zwei Typen von Kommunikationssituatio…

Rumours and Dictatorship. Die Diktatur der Gerüchte. Einleitung

Content Type Journal ArticlePages 315-319Authors
Jörg Baberowski, Institut für Geschichtswissenschaften, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Journal Journal of Modern European HistoryPrint ISSN 1611-8944

Journal Volume Volume 10


Snyders Geografie

Content Type Journal ArticlePages 306-314Authors
Dietrich Beyrau, Institut für osteuropäische Geschichte und Landeskunde, Universität Tübingen

Journal Journal of Modern European HistoryPrint ISSN 1611-8944

Journal Volume Volume 10

A Spatial Turn in Explaining Mass Murder

Content Type Journal ArticlePages 299-305Authors
Dariusz Stola, Institute of Political Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw

Journal Journal of Modern European HistoryPrint ISSN 1611-8944

Journal Volume Volume 10

Journal Issue…

Montagen statt Mehrwert

Content Type Journal ArticlePages 290-298Authors
Manfred Hildermeier, Göttingen

Journal Journal of Modern European HistoryPrint ISSN 1611-8944

Journal Volume Volume 10

Journal Issue Volume 10, Number 3 / August 2012

The Unfathomable Foe. Constructing the Enemy in the Sino-Soviet Borderlands, ca. 1969–1982

The Unfathomable Foe. Constructing the Enemy in the Sino-Soviet Borderlands, ca. 1969–1982This paper examines the impact of the hostilities between the Soviet Union and China during the period of the bitterest disagreement between the two great socia…


Content Type Journal ArticlePages 280-283

Journal Journal of Modern European HistoryPrint ISSN 1611-8944

Journal Volume Volume 10

Journal Issue Volume 10, Number 2 / May 2012

«A Mighty Weapon in the Class War»: Proletarian Values, Tourism and Mass Mobilisation in Stalin’s Time

«A Mighty Weapon in the Class War»: Proletarian Values, Tourism and Mass Mobilisation in Stalin’s TimeThe article contextualises the 1920s Soviet project of «proletarian» tourism in contemporary debates on the politics of mass culture. Juxtaposed…

Twisted Roots. Intellectuals, Mass Culture and Political Culture in Italy

Twisted Roots. Intellectuals, Mass Culture and Political Culture in ItalyThe article examines the rise of mass culture in Italy from the mid-nineteenth century to the early twentieth century. It particularly analyses the literary production, politicall…

Organisierte Modernität? Konstruktion und Konzeption der Massenkultur in Frankreich

Organised Modernity? Construction and Conception of Mass Culture in FranceSince the end of the nineteenth century, the rise of mass culture in France was an ambivalent experience giving stimulation to attempts of scientific re-conceptualisation and reg…