Archiv für die Kategorie ‘Recent (1950-)Book Reviews’

Review: Siobhan Roberts. Wind Wizard: Alan G. Davenport and the Art of Wind Engineering.

Review by: Roger Turner

Isis, Volume 105, Issue 3, Page 670-671, September 2014.

Review: Paul M. Leonardi. Car Crashes without Cars: Lessons about Simulation Technology and Organizational Change from Automotive Design.

Review by: Matthijs Kouw

Isis, Volume 105, Issue 3, Page 668, September 2014.

Review: Finn Brunton. Spam: A Shadow History of the Internet.

Review by: Janet Abbate

Isis, Volume 105, Issue 2, Page 460-461, June 2014.

Review: Stefan Sperling. Reasons of Conscience: The Bioethics Debate in Germany.

Review by: Frank W. Stahnisch

Isis, Volume 105, Issue 2, Page 465-466, June 2014.

Review: Hannah Gay. The Silwood Circle: A History of Ecology and the Making of Scientific Careers in Late Twentieth-Century Britain.

Review by: Stephen Bocking

Isis, Volume 105, Issue 2, Page 461-462, June 2014.

Review: Rolf-Jürgen Gleitsmann; Günther Oetzel. Fortschrittsfeinde im Atomzeitalter? Protest und Innovationsmanagement am Beispiel der frühen Kernenergiepläne der Bundesrepublik Deutschland.

Review by: Michael Schüring

Isis, Volume 105, Issue 2, Page 462-463, June 2014.

Review: Sheldon Krimsky; Jeremy Gruber, eds. Genetic Explanations: Sense and Nonsense.

Review by: Garland E. Allen

Isis, Volume 105, Issue 2, Page 463-465, June 2014.

Review: Chunjuan Nancy Wei; Darryl E. Brock, eds. Mr. Science and Chairman Mao’s Cultural Revolution: Science and Technology in Modern China.

Review by: Leon Antonio Rocha

Isis, Volume 105, Issue 2, Page 467-468, June 2014.

Review: Marga Vicedo. The Nature and Nurture of Love: From Imprinting to Attachment in Cold War America.

Review by: Frank van der Horst

Isis, Volume 105, Issue 2, Page 466-467, June 2014.

Review: John R. Walker. Britain and Disarmament: The U.K. and Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Weapons Arms Control and Programmes, 1956–1975.

Review by: Rich Hamerla

Isis, Volume 105, Issue 1, Page 254-255, March 2014.