Archiv für die Kategorie ‘Sociohistorical analysis’

Künstliche Intelligenz in Literatur und Film – Fiktion oder Realität?

The article deals with the idea of artificial people in literature and film, using examples from the literature and the history of film it is shown that the idea of artificial people has always existed. With the increase of technical innovations, more and more scenarios developed by artificial people, to the formation of the idea of the cyborg.

Ein persönlicher Nachruf auf Imanuel Geiss (1931–2012)

The historian Imanuel Geiss who died in Bremen on February 20 at age 81 was one of the few internationally renowned representatives of German historic teaching. His works about WW I, he history of racism, but especially his Encycplopedia of Global History “Geschichte griffbereit” (1979ff.) will be rememberd as milestones of .scholarship.


In the following, a new conceptual framework for investigating nowadays‘ „technical“ phenomena shall be introduced, that of formats. The thesis is that processes of formatting account for our recent conditions of life, and will do so in the very next future. It are processes whose foundations have been laid in modernity and which will further unfold for the time being. These processes are embedded in the format of the value chain, a circumstance making them resilient to change. In addition, they are resilient in themselves since forming interconnected systems of reciprocal causal circuits.Which leads to an overall situation that our entire „Lebenswelt“ became formatted to an extent we don’t fully realize, even influencing our very percep-tion of it.