Archiv für die Kategorie ‘Sociology and Philosophy of ScienceBook Reviews’

Book Review: Raymond Tallis. Aping Mankind: Neuromania, Darwinitis, and the Misrepresentation of Humanity.

Fernando Vidal

Isis, Volume 103, Issue 3, Page 628-629, September 2012.

Book Review: Gregory J. Morgan, ed. Philosophy of Science Matters: The Philosophy of Peter Achinstein.

David Harker

Isis, Volume 103, Issue 3, Page 627-628, September 2012.

Book Review: Derek Turner. Paleontology: A Philosophical Introduction.

Chris Haufe

Isis, Volume 103, Issue 3, Page 629-630, September 2012.

Book Review: Conor Cunningham. Darwin’s Pious Idea: Why the Ultra-Darwinists and Creationists Both Get It Wrong.

Frederick Gregory

Isis, Volume 103, Issue 2, Page 429-431, June 2012.

Book Review: Moritz Epple; Claus Zittel, eds. Science as Cultural Practice. Volume 1: Cultures and Politics of Research from the Early Modern Period to the Age of Extremes.

Stephen Gaukroger

Isis, Volume 103, Issue 2, Page 431-432, June 2012.

Book Review: Steven Gimbel, ed. Exploring the Scientific Method: Cases and Questions.

Brooke Abounader

Isis, Volume 103, Issue 2, Page 432-433, June 2012.

Book Review: Sophia Rosenfeld. Common Sense: A Political History.

Mark G. Spencer

Isis, Volume 103, Issue 2, Page 433-434, June 2012.