BARTOC database, Controlled vocabulary, Eckard Rolf, EntiTree App, functional text types, General, generic terms, genre theory, Genres, illocutionary act, J. L. Austin, John Searle, speech act theory A FactGrid vocabulary of types of functional texts after Eckard Rolf 24. August 2023 Keine Kommentare auf Deutsch The data set in basic queries: The presently collected types of functional texts in German, English, French, and Spanish with Eckard Rolf’s bottom-line classifications EntiTree visualisation of the structural hierarchy proposed by Eckard Rolf The “qualities of speech acts” that can define searches on the P912 Property Eckard Rolf’s list of (2055) genres as published in 1993, in German Wikidata and GND matching so far: https://tinyurl.[...] Quelle: Weiterlesen