Call for Applications – Travel Grants: “Revolutionary, Disruptive, or Just Repeating Itself? Tracing the History of Digital History”, October 23-25, 2024 at the DHI Paris

Deadline: September 16, 2024

NFDI4Memory, together with the German Historical Institute Paris (DHIP), is awarding four travel grants for early career researchers to attend the conference “Revolutionary, Disruptive, or Just Repeating Itself? Tracing the History of Digital History”, which will take place from 23-25 October 2024 at the DHI Paris.

In recent years, interest in the history of the digital humanities has grown. The 9th dhiha conference at the German Historical Institute Paris from 23-25 October 2024 will connect to this growing interest. It will explore the overlooked history of digital history from different perspectives and emphasize the importance of understanding the field’s past by examining historical developments, methods, and research gaps. The aim is to highlight past achievements and offer a critical perspective on the evolution of digital history, challenging the rhetoric of novelty that often surrounds it. The conference program can be found here: https://dhdhi.hypotheses.




Registration now open for the conference “Revolutionary, Disruptive, or Just Repeating Itself? Tracing the History of Digital History” #dhiha9

Date: October 23-25, 2024

Place: German Historical Institute Paris/Deutsches Historisches Institut Paris (DHIP), 8, rue du Parc-Royal, 75003 Paris

Organised by: Mareike König (DHIP), Julianne Nyhan (TU Darmstadt/University College London), Sébastien Poublanc (CNRS, FRAMESPA), Jane Winters (School of Advanced Study, University of London), Gerben Zaagsma (Centre for Contemporary and Digital History, University of Luxemburg).

With the financial support of: C2DH, DHIP, NFDI4Memory, School of Advanced Study, TU Darmstadt

Free entrance, please register under: 

Online participation available: https://t1p.


