Wikibase Inspiration Panel at WikidataCon, Berlin, 2019-10-25

The recent WikidataCon in Berlin had a special panel on Wikibase installations outside Wikidata. Below the video recording of the session embedded from

This is the list of the talks with the list of the speakers:

  1. Anila Angjeli + Benjamin Bober, Assessing Wikibase as the core of the French National Entities file
  2. Barbara Fischer + Sarah Hartmann, Authority control meets Wikibase – The German National Library and Wikimedia Deutschland Quest
  3. David Fichtmueller, Using Wikibase as a Platform to Develop a Semantic Biodiversity Standard
  4. Stuart Prior, Wikibase and building a community in Artists’s Publishing
  5. Olaf Simons, Using a Wikibase platform outside the Wikidata environment – why it is cool and where things get difficult

  6. [...]



The Illuminati Files Online: Some remarks on the FactGrid’s first – roughly 16,000 – datasets

German Version

The FactGrid (still lacking a unique design) has, over the last six weeks, just received its first project data – data from Halle’s and Gotha’s Illuminati research of the last 20 years, which I will briefly outline in the following. Some of the datasets are still lacking the complexity we are aiming at, others have gained greater depth:

We are presently listing 2,000 people, about 1,350 of whom have been Illuminati members in the 1780s; the rest are mostly people mentioned in the correspondences which we are trying to map. We are hesitating here with the far more complex biographical input which he have in store, since this would be better done in joint ventures with the GNDand with Katrin Möller, university of Halle, who has become the leading expert on 18th-century careers and professions. We are negotiating in both directions. Our roughly 2,000 titles of research on the Illuminati come in equally rudimentary sets. Again, we have realized that it would be more interesting to base this work on library catalogue norms from the outset.

But we are quite detailed with the more than 9,000 documents currently associated with the original Illuminati: documents that survived with the publications of Illuminati documents by the Bavarian state of 1786 and 1787 and with the archives of Adam Weishaupt, Johann Joachim Christoph Bode, of Gotha’s first lodge “The Compass”, and of Ernest II of Saxony-Gotha-Altenburg.




Die Illuminatenakten Online: Einige Bemerkungen zu den ersten knapp 16.000 Datensätzen des FactGrid

in English

Das FactGrid (noch immer ohne rechtes Design) erhielt in den letzten Wochen seine ersten Projektdaten – Daten aus der Illuminatenforschung Halles und Gothas der letzten 20 Jahre, die hier kurz umrissen seien.

Rudimentär sind in diesem Stadium noch die Datensätze zu den gut 2.000 gelisteten Personen. Etwa 1.350 von ihnen waren Illuminaten, die übrigen zumeist Personen, die von ihnen in Briefen erwähnt wurden. Wir schrecken im Moment vor der Eingabe der runderen Datensätze zurück, da sie weit interessanter in einer Kooperation mit der GND und unterstützt durch Katrin Möllers Hallenser Projekt zu Erwerbsbiographien geschähe. Verhandlungen in beide Richtungen laufen. Rudimentär sind im selben Moment auch die gut 2,000 Titel Forschungsliteratur zum Illuminatenorden gelistet.


