Terrorism and Public History

In den letzten 250 Jahren hat sich der Terrorismus sehr unterschiedlich gezeigt. Hier soll es um die Beziehung zwischen Terrorismus und Public History gehen. Es geht um mehr als nur “Geschichte des Terrorismus“ oder “Terrorismus in historischer Perspektive“ oder auch “Terrorismus in der Geschichte“. Terrorismus ist ein Akteur der Public History.

Der Beitrag Terrorism and Public History erschien zuerst auf Wolfgang Schmale.

Quelle: http://wolfgangschmale.eu/terrorism-and-public-history/


Terrorism and Public History



Of the many variants that terrorism has adopted during the last two and a half centuries, I will focus on terrorism in the 21st century and its relationship to history, especially public history. Terrorist groups such as Islamic State use the destruction of cultural heritage to rub out historical, religious, and cultural memory. Terrorist attacks reach further than the choruses of outrage in Western countries, which first come to mind, might suggest. This said, there is obviously more to this than just “history of terrorism” or “terrorism in a historical perspective” or “terrorism in history”. Terrorism is an agent of public history.


Focus: Public History made by Terrorists

If we consider only the destruction of cultural goods, these would be acts of cultural barbarism, but not more.


Quelle: http://public-history-weekly.oldenbourg-verlag.de/4-2016-4/terrorism-and-public-history-2/
