Fake News from the Past – Lessons For the Future

Abstract: There is agreement amongst media commentators that the spread of so-called fake news poses a serious threat to democratic society, and as history educators, we have an obligation to... Read More ›

The post Fake News from the Past – Lessons For the Future appeared first on Public History Weekly.

Quelle: https://public-history-weekly.degruyter.com/9-2021-10/fake-news-from-the-past-lessons-for-the-future/


Fake News, Conspiracy Theories and Textbooks

The article is dealing with the connection between fake news, conspiracy theories and school history textbooks. The spread of fake news and conspiracy theories in the public sphere represents a social challenge of the future. The leading medium textbook can be part of the answer to this challenge if it consistently aims to initiate critical-historical thinking.

The post Fake News, Conspiracy Theories and Textbooks appeared first on Public History Weekly.

Quelle: https://public-history-weekly.degruyter.com/9-2021-2/fake-news-textbooks/


Paul Schreyer über Medienmainstream und Kritik

Wie weiter mit dem Journalismus? Wo stehen wir, wo wollen wir hin? Medienrealität bietet Forscherinnen, Medienbeobachtern und Medienkritikern eine Diskussionsplattform. In diesem Gastbeitrag zeigt Paul Schreyer, wie sich die westlichen Leitmedien gegen Kritik immunisieren und dabei zugleich die Konkurrenz delegitimieren (hier: RT). Schreyer ist freier Autor. Zusammen mit Mathias Bröckers hat er 2014 bei Westend das Buch „Wir sind die Guten“ veröffentlicht (Untertitel: Ansichten eines Putinverstehers oder wie uns die Medien manipulieren). 2016 erschien im gleichen Verlag sein Buch „Wer regiert das Geld?“Davos 2018: Wie sich der Medienmainstream gegen Kritik immunisiert

Von Paul Schreyer

Der Kampf um die Deutungshoheit zwischen Leitmedien und Alternativkanälen wird am sichtbarsten beim Schlagabtausch zwischen dem russischen Sender RT und seinen westlichen Gegenparts.


Quelle: https://medienblog.hypotheses.org/1290


History Educators in a New Era

This is a dangerous moment, globally, for the liberal arts, education and research, for democratic values generally, and for history and history education specifically.

The post History Educators in a New Era appeared first on Public History Weekly.

Quelle: https://public-history-weekly.degruyter.com/5-2017-20/history-educators-in-a-new-era/


Historical Consciousness, Fake News, and the Other

Seldom does a day go past since the election of Donald Trump as President of the United States without reports of "alternative facts" and "fake news". This presents both a problem and an opportunity for history educators.

The post Historical Consciousness, Fake News, and the Other appeared first on Public History Weekly.

Quelle: https://public-history-weekly.degruyter.com/5-2017-19/historical-consciousness-fake-news-and-the-other/


Fake News, Alternative Facts, History Education

The growing prevalence of "Fake News" necessitates enhanced tools of detection and evaluation to handle it, while "Alternative Facts" place...

The post Fake News, Alternative Facts, History Education appeared first on Public History Weekly.

Quelle: https://public-history-weekly.degruyter.com/5-2017-8/fake-news-alternative-facts-and-history-education/
