FactGrid Goes NFDI

Friday week before last, we received the news that so many working groups had been eagerly awaiting: the 4Memory consortium (of historical studies) will become part of the Nationale Forschungsdateninfrastruktur (NFDI), the German National Research Data infrastructure.

This is exciting news for FactGrid, just weeks before its fifth birthday. We will be acting as an official repository for historical data in the upcoming NFDI structure. German projects can now make a good case that FactGrid is the optimal platform for their data.

NFDI4Memory task areas

Changing the rules of our present research data management

The German National Research Data Infrastructure aims to bring transparency and sustainability to all research fields, from microbiology to computational linguistics. Whether researchers are still collecting data entirely for themselves in private Word documents and Excel spreadsheets, or whether they are working on digital platforms that are more or less designed like conventional books, designed to be read and looked at – they will face new questions in their research grant applications: Do they produce data? Do they correct publicly available data? If so, the new questions will be: How do they make sure that others can actually work with their data?


Quelle: https://blog.factgrid.de/archives/3104


The first volume of the Thuringian pastor’s book (1500–1920) as a Wikibase data set German version via Google Translate

auf Deutsch

In a tremendous effort of a year’s of work, Heino Richard of the Genealogical Society of Thuringia e.V., step by step translated the first volume of the Thuringian Pastors’ Books (the volume for the former Duchy of Gotha) into data which we could now feed into FactGrid: More than 13,300 database objects are stemming from this work allowing now entirely new explorations of the territory’s social and religious history. We as curious about the joint ventures this work might inspire. There is no reason to fear that the database version will render all further work on the paper-based volumes obsolete, the platform might, however, offer itself to the editors of the Pfarrerbuch as an unexpected aid.

The eight volumes cover all the parishes of the former Thuringian territories from the Reformation to the 20th century. A first survey is prefixed in each volume to give all the all the parishes and offices with lists of the pastors and auxiliaries who held the respective offices. The main part is in each volume devoted to the individual biographies.


Quelle: https://blog.factgrid.de/archives/1941


Further Reading

  • Stanislav Malyshev, Markus Krötzsch, Larry González, Julius Gonsior, and Adrian Bielefeldt, Getting the Most out of Wikidata: Semantic Technology Usage in Wikipedia’s Knowledge Graph, in Denny Vrandečić, Kalina Bontcheva, Mari Carmen Suárez-Figueroa, Valentina Presutti, Irene Celino, Marta Sabou, Lucie-Aimée Kaffee, Elena Simperl, eds., Proceedings of the 17th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC’18), volume 11137 of LNCS, 376-394, 2018. Springer online

Wikidata is the collaboratively curated knowledge graph of the Wikimedia Foundation (WMF), and the core project of Wikimedia’s data management strategy. A major challenge for bringing Wikidata to its full potential was to provide reliable and powerful services for data sharing and query, and the WMF has chosen to rely on semantic technologies for this purpose. A live SPARQL endpoint, regular RDF dumps, and linked data APIs are now forming the backbone of many uses of Wikidata. We describe this influential use case and its underlying infrastructure, analyse current usage, and share our lessons learned and future plans.

Image Source

Arthur Kampf (1864 Aachen – 1950 Castrop-Rauxel), Der Zeitungsleser, Oil on Canvas.


Quelle: https://blog.factgrid.de/archives/1143
