At least a make shift solution: The “Julian calendar stabiliser”

My last blog post triggered a couple of responses on Twitter. It seems I touched a problem that will not be solved that easily.

Save a date as a Julian calendar date on your Wikibase (manually or, with the /J switch, in your QuickStatements mass input) and your Wikibase will be able to handle this date correctly in any mixed bag of Julian and Gregorian dates. It is nice that the Query Service is able to produce straight timelines out of any such mixed bag, but immensely problematic that you will be quite unable to get any of the Julian dates back in the nominal format in which you stated them on your Wikibase. Blazegraph, the tool that works behind the Query Service, does its job in a normalisation of dates, and this normalisation is, of course, done in the superior Gregorian calendar. Our Wikibase Query Services will hence produce loads of dates that will in their first wave just contradict the documentary evidence. We will then see successive deformations of these dates wherever someone fails to read them as, from here onwards, proper Gregorian. Most databases have a single calendar format: you simply enter all your dates as you read them in your documents or whatsoever source you are exploiting. Gregorianised dates should not enter any such database.




FactGrid Goes NFDI

Friday week before last, we received the news that so many working groups had been eagerly awaiting: the 4Memory consortium (of historical studies) will become part of the Nationale Forschungsdateninfrastruktur (NFDI), the German National Research Data infrastructure.

This is exciting news for FactGrid, just weeks before its fifth birthday. We will be acting as an official repository for historical data in the upcoming NFDI structure. German projects can now make a good case that FactGrid is the optimal platform for their data.

NFDI4Memory task areas

Changing the rules of our present research data management

The German National Research Data Infrastructure aims to bring transparency and sustainability to all research fields, from microbiology to computational linguistics. Whether researchers are still collecting data entirely for themselves in private Word documents and Excel spreadsheets, or whether they are working on digital platforms that are more or less designed like conventional books, designed to be read and looked at – they will face new questions in their research grant applications: Do they produce data? Do they correct publicly available data? If so, the new questions will be: How do they make sure that others can actually work with their data?




A Quarter of a Million Items on FactGrid – just a brief reflection

Germany’s national author Johann Wolfgang von Goethe called it a “masquerade in red and white”, but was himself a member (just as he became a member of the Illuminati a little bit later; it made sense to join such organisations and to know from within what they were all about). Freemasonry was in its most idealistic terms an updated edition of the brotherhood of men united under a simple and strikingly anti aristocratic system: the system of the old craft guilds. With their three degrees of apprentice, fellow and master there was no room for privilege of birth. German masonry evolved from the late 1730’s through the 1750’s principally as a system of four degrees, with Scots Master at the apex and the development did not stop there. The chivalric degrees of the 1760’s and 1770’s gave way to increasingly complex systems, overgrowing this initial construct. These high-degree systems claimed roots in the middle ages if not deeper pasts, synthesising Christianity with alchemy, magic, and theosophy. Masonic entrepreneurs travelled through Europe selling secrets which they would convey in extraordinary lodges. What they offered would have been considered heresies only a generation before, and now became a market of esotericism – a market that turned the masonic world into its first framework and distributor. The Strict Observance or Order of the Temple, the masonic high-grade-system founded by Carl Gotthelf von Hund und Altengrotkau in Germany in 1751 was the biggest player on this stage in central Europe – the system of red and white, the colours of the Knights Templars.




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