CfP: The Value of the Digital. #DHJewish Conference and Hackathon

Potsdam, April 10-12, 2024
Organized by the Moses Mendelssohn Center for European-Jewish Studies together with the Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C2DH); generously supported by the European Association for Jewish Studies (EAJS) Conference Grant Programme in European Jewish Studies. The Hackathon is co-organized by the Network Digital Humanities, Potsdam.

Following on a series of conferences that addressed the specifics of Digital Humanities (DH) approaches within the field of Jewish Studies and a hands-on DH Jewish-hackathon, this conference aims to critically (re)assess the value(s) of the Digital for the field of Jewish Studies as it has been developed and discussed over the past ten years.

Including all phases of research and dissemination from collecting and exploring to constructing and communicating, we seek presentations that highlight the benefits and pitfalls of the Digital in general and for the field of Jewish Studies in particular. This can be done both from a retrospective – what has worked well and which promises have and have not been fulfilled – and from a forward-looking perspective – highlighting directions that might be worth pursuing. In doing so, we take up the recent critical turn in DH and apply it to the field of Jewish Studies.

The event combines a hands-on-hackathon on the opening day, and two days of panel sessions inviting contributions on the different values of the digitized, the reconstructed/deconstructed, the reenacted as well as the shared and co-constructed past.




Vortrag: Digital Longevity: Learnings from the (Digital) History Project Stadt.Geschichte.Basel, 12.12.2023, mpilhlt (Frankfurt) und online

Im Rahmen der Seminarreihe ‚Legal History Meets Digital Humanities‘ am Max-Planck-Institut für Rechtsgeschichte und Rechtstheorie findet der Vortrag im hybriden Format am 12.12.2023 von 15:00 bis 17:00 statt.

In dieser Sitzung diskutieren wir das Thema der digitalen Nachhaltigkeit. Unser Gastreferent Dr. sc. Moritz Mähr (Universität Basel, Universität Bern) wird die Erfahrungen des Projekts Stadt.Geschichte.Basel bei der Anwendung von Nachhaltigkeitsprinzipien auf die Forschungspraxis eines digitalen Geschichtsprojekts vorstellen.


