The Dictator’s Slow Return. Porfirio Díaz


El 2 de julio de 2015 se conmemoró el centenario luctuoso del dictador Porfirio Díaz, quien gobernó México, en la silla presidencial o detrás de ella, entre 1876 y 1910, cuando fue derrocado por la revolución mexicana. La opinión pública aprovechó la coyuntura para discutir una vez más sobre el significado de su figura en la historia de México, pero en el mundo educativo nada se modificó sustancialmente, pues los tiempo educativos son de larga duración. El significado histórico de Porfirio Díaz en los programas de estudio y los libros de texto se ha sedimentado: enseñar como legítima la desigualdad económica que lacera a México.[1]


Opiniones divididas

Porfirio Díaz es uno de los villanos[2] de la historia que mejor ha recuperado su imagen en la actualidad. Díaz fue un dictador. Su periodo, denominado Porfiriato, se caracterizó en lo político por reelecciones infinitas, violencia contra la oposición, control de la prensa y un centralismo autoritario. En lo social la desigualdad y la exclusión fueron las características centrales, con una pequeña élite inmensamente rica, grandes sectores de la población en indignante pobreza y algunos otros en semi esclavitud dentro de las haciendas.




Memory Studies “Boom” in Russia



Тридцать лет назад российская историография находилась в тисках регулирования государственной коммунистической идеологии и серьезно отставала от развития западноевропейской и североамериканской исторической мысли. Все попытки некоторых историков выйти за рамки марксистско-ленинской идеологии жестко преследовались партийными и государственными органами как угроза безопасности. История в России получила раскрепощение благодаря реформам и политике гласности Михаила С. Горбачева. Российские историки много цитируют работы М. Хальбвакса, П.Хаттона, П.Нора, П.Рикера, переведенные на русский язык.




History Under Dispute: Brazil’s National Curriculum, BNCC



O que os estudantes brasileiros tem direito de aprender, sobre história, na escola? Quem possui a responsabilidade de decidir este tema? Em setembro de 2015 o Ministério da Educação (MEC) abriu para consulta pública a proposta de uma Base Nacional Comum Curricular BNCC para todas as disciplinas obrigatórias. O documento referente à História foi alvo de polêmicas que extrapolaram os meios acadêmicos: é possível definir direitos de aprendizagem histórica para um país diverso como o Brasil? Quem é responsável por tomar essas decisões? A partir de quais critérios isso deve ser decidido? Como a proposta do MEC tenta responder a essas questões?




Terrorism and Public History



Of the many variants that terrorism has adopted during the last two and a half centuries, I will focus on terrorism in the 21st century and its relationship to history, especially public history. Terrorist groups such as Islamic State use the destruction of cultural heritage to rub out historical, religious, and cultural memory. Terrorist attacks reach further than the choruses of outrage in Western countries, which first come to mind, might suggest. This said, there is obviously more to this than just “history of terrorism” or “terrorism in a historical perspective” or “terrorism in history”. Terrorism is an agent of public history.


Focus: Public History made by Terrorists

If we consider only the destruction of cultural goods, these would be acts of cultural barbarism, but not more.




Historia Magistra Vitae? The Banality of Easy Answers



The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) newspaper recently published an article by Berlin historian Alexander Demandt which had previously been rejected by the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, a conservative political foundation. The following republication of the article by Swiss paper Neue Zürcher Zeitung (NZZ) caused a debate. Demandt’s hypothesis: the fall of the Roman Empire provides immediate historical lessons for today’s migrant crisis which must no longer be ignored.


Immigrating Germanic Hordes

In his article in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) from January, 21st 2016, Alexander Demandt employs the seemingly matter-of-fact tone of the chronicler to speak of the “end of the old order” without explicitly referencing present-day problems.[1] Those who know Demandt as a theorist of history[2] and as a classicist cannot help being irritated by this text. On the one hand, Demandt should be better aware than anyone else that the end of the Roman Empire was not simply caused by “Germanic hordes”, as he puts it, and by seemingly unmanageable “numbers of immigrants”, but by a number of complex and intertwined factors.




Defining History as a School Subject



History curriculum documents for schools often contain a statement providing a description or definition of the nature of the subject. Recent developments in South Africa draw attention to the need to provide a justification for the vision and purpose of History as a school subject.


History lessons and “Nation Building”

In response to calls[1] made earlier in 2015 for History to be a compulsory subject[2] in South African schools and for the history curriculum to be “strengthened,” the Minister of Basic Education appointed a Task team[3] to investigate and research the matter and held a “round table” consultation with interested groups in December 2015. In her own words, she supported the intervention on the grounds that, “[m]edia reports indicated that many of those who participated in the looting, violence and vandalism (during… xenophobic attacks) were youths … we need to equip our youth with an accurate account of our history in order for them to make educated decisions regarding their own future.”[4] Her spokesperson maintained that the curriculum change was aimed to contribute to nation building.[5] Arising from these discussions is the question of what constitutes History as a school subject and how and where it is defined.




Wrocław re-read…



In the history of various cities, one can observe many examples of turning points that remind us of these cities’ political, cultural, or economic situation. They represent borderline situations that can still be seen today, even after many decades. The indication of certain break is, on the one hand, a demonstration of an end and, on the other, a declaration of a new beginning. It is the transition from one era to another, the crossing of an often invisible border.


History cannot be erased

However, even the most noticeable new beginning is not necessarily the abolishment of the past. One cannot be totally separated from history’s accomplishments (or its burdens); the least one can do is to try to escape, ignore or, in the worst-case scenario, – annihilate it.




Historicising role models, historical-political remembrance

Do you know the country’s memorial foundations for outstanding German statesmen [Politikergedenkstiftungen]? One of them or even all of them? Sometimes it is hard to imagine that the nationally funded German memorial landscape might include more than just …


Do you know the country’s memorial foundations for outstanding German statesmen [Politikergedenkstiftungen]? One of them or even all of them? Sometimes it is hard to imagine that the nationally funded German memorial landscape might include more than just memorials for National Socialism and GDR. But, then, there are also museums and memorials for the republic and democracy. Amongst those, memorial foundations for statesmen play a very special role. And very slowly, these foundations are becoming more and more meaningful for German public memory in the course of increasing professionalisation and popularisation.




Rhodes must fall! Anatomy of a Protest

The recent protests about the statue of Rhodes at the University of Cape Town (UCT) have resulted in much debate and media coverage. They also present an opportunity to analyse elements of public history and its role.


The recent protests about the statue of Rhodes at the University of Cape Town (UCT) have resulted in much debate and media coverage. They also present an opportunity to analyse elements of public history and its role.



The rise and fall of Rhodes memoralization

Since 1934, students making their way up the many granite stairs that lead to the main campus of the University of Cape Town, where I work, have passed by the imposing statue of Cecil John Rhodes (modelled on Rodin’s The Thinker), which looks out over a wide vista of the eastern side of Cape Town and False Bay.




Iconoclasm Backwards. A Lost Memorial Site

Following the irreparable destruction of the equestrian statue depicting Wilhelm I at the Deutsches Eck (German Corner) in Koblenz, a national flag, mounted on the abandoned torso, was located there from 1953 till 1993. …


Following the irreparable destruction of the equestrian statue depicting Wilhelm I at the Deutsches Eck (German Corner) in Koblenz, a national flag, mounted on the abandoned torso, was located there from 1953 till 1993. The memorial was a reminder of the German partition, which appeared to be temporarily insurmountable, at least in the contemporary opinion. The monument’s restoration after 1990 terminated its function as a memorial. Thus, the most prominent memorial site for Germany’s partition was lost. A scandal for Public History!



