Text+ IO-Lecture: OAPEN & Directory Access Book (10.02.2025, virtuell, 11:00-12:30 MEZ)

OAPEN (Open Access Publishing in European Networks) bietet ein breites Spektrum an Fachwissen, Dienstleistungen und gut kuratierten wissenschaftlichen Inhalten für Bibliothekare, Verleger, Forscher und Geldgeber. OAPEN fördert und unterstützt den Übergang zu Open Access für akademische Bücher durch die Bereitstellung offener Infrastrukturdienste für die Akteure der wissenschaftlichen Kommunikation. Wir arbeiten mit Verlagen zusammen, um eine qualitätsgeprüfte Sammlung von Open-Access-Büchern aufzubauen, und bieten Dienstleistungen für Verlage, Bibliotheken und  Forschungsförderer in den Bereichen Hosting, Hinterlegung, Qualitätssicherung, Verbreitung und digitale Bewahrung.





Das DOAB (Directory of Open Access Books) ist ein von der Community betriebener Suchdienst, der wissenschaftliche, von Experten begutachtete Open-Access-Bücher indexiert und zugänglich macht und Nutzern hilft, vertrauenswürdige Open-Access-Buchverlage zu finden. Alle DOAB-Dienste sind kostenlos und alle Daten sind frei verfügbar.


Quelle: https://dhd-blog.org/?p=21873


DARIAH Annual Open Access Book Bursary 2022: Call for manuscripts

Gerne machen wir auf den 2. DARIAH Annual Open Access Book Bursary von DARIAH-EU aufmerksam, der die Publikation von OA-Monographien im Feld der Humanities unterstützt. Für alle Informationen zum Bewerbungsverfahren bitte hier entlang.

We are pleased to announce the second round of the DARIAH annual book bursary for the Open Access publication of early career researchers’ first monographs in Digital Humanities. The bursary aims to serve as a modest but immediate contribution to ease the current anomalies in Open Access publication funds that are usually not inclusive of first monographs and support those who are less privileged in this respect but could possibly achieve the biggest change in academic culture and beyond.

By doing so, DARIAH-EU aims to further strengthen its long-standing commitment to paving paths towards open research culture as it specifically pertains to arts and humanities disciplines and to enabling early career researchers, who are usually less privileged in institutional Open Access grants, to openly disseminate their first monographs in book series that are topically most relevant for their field of interest. 


Quelle: https://dhd-blog.org/?p=18557


Directory of Open Access Books milestones: 30,000 open access books from over 400 publishers

We are pleased to share that the Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB) recently reached three key milestones in terms of book coverage, unique publishers and future financial sustainability. 

Over 30,000 books from more than 400 publishers

The number of open access books included in DOAB has grown impressively from just over 10,000 books in 2018 to 31,917 as of today. In terms of publishers, we are happy to see that over 400 publishers are included in DOAB as we strive to improve the coverage of the directory.
To celebrate this new milestone we took a closer look at the DOAB platform. Check out the key figures on publications per language, publication period and the distribution of licenses below.

SCOSS Campaign – halfway financial sustainability target

Thanks to new pledges of support from Canada, France and the Netherlands we surpassed the halfway point of our SCOSS campaign. Currently, we are at 60% of our financial target.


Quelle: https://dhd-blog.org/?p=14519
