Understanding and overcoming conflict

In der zweiten Sektion geht es um historisches Lernen, Schulbücher für den Geschichtsunterricht und Medien der Geschichtskultur in Zentral- und Westeuropa, vor allem in Frankreich, Deutschland und Österreich.

The second section covers historical learning, textbooks for teaching history and other media for historical learning in Central and Western Europe, especially France, Germany and Austria.

Chair: Florian Radvan

Rainer Bendick, 2.00 pm – 2.45 pm
A paradigm for the objectification of textbook representations? Failure and success of the German-French textbook discussions in the 20th and 21st centuries

This article summarizes the attempts made after 1919 to objectify the contents of textbooks in Germany and France, and formulates six theses on this subject.


Quelle: http://histrhen.landesgeschichte.eu/2020/02/peaceteachingbonn-section-two/
