Understanding and overcoming conflict

General overview of all articles of the conference “Understanding and overcoming conflict” wich should have taken place in Bonn from 18th to 21st March 2020 but was cancelled due to the coronavirus.

Histrhen will keep you informed. In the meantime you can read everything about the conference.

Alle veröffentlichten Artikel der Tagung “Understanding and overcoming conflict”, die vom 18. bis 21. März 2020 in Bonn hätte stattfinden sollen, aber wegen des Coronavirus abgesagt werden musste.

Histrhen hält Sie auf dem Laufenden.


Quelle: http://histrhen.landesgeschichte.eu/2020/03/peaceteachingbonn-overview/


Understanding and overcoming conflict

Unfortunately, we have to postpone next week’s conference “Understanding and overcoming conflict” . The situation regarding the spread of the coronavirus is too unforeseeable and we do not want to you to risk travel restrictions. This was not an easy decision but, in the end, we followed the principle “safety first”.

Mit großem Bedauern muss die Tagung “Understanding and overcoming conflict” in Bonn vorläufig abgesagt werden. Die Situation bezüglich der Verbreitung des Coronavirus ist zu unvorhersehbar und die Veranstalter wollen keine Reiserestriktionen für Teilnehmer*innen risikieren. Die Entscheidung ist allen Verantwortlichen schwer gefallen, doch geht die Sicherheit aller Teilnehmer*innen vor.

Quelle: http://histrhen.landesgeschichte.eu/2020/03/peaceteachingbonn-cancelled/


Understanding and overcoming conflict

Die letzte Sektion thematisiert den Faktor der digitalen Zugänge im Kontext des peacebuilding mit Blick auf Social Media, digitale Editionen und Games.

The last section covers the factor of digital approaches in representing and building peace by looking at social media, digital editions and games.

Chair: Dorothée Goetze

Jonas Bechtold, 9.00 am – 9.45 am
A web of peace ? Digital dissemination of historical peacebuilding processes in social media
Famous multilateral historical peace building processes, such as the Paris Peace Conferences in 1919, the Congress of Vienna in 1815 or the Westphalian Peace in 1648, have developed decisive narratives on how a specific peace treaty affected the identity and history of a country, a region, a culture or a nation.


Quelle: http://histrhen.landesgeschichte.eu/2020/03/peaceteachingbonn-section-five/


Understanding and overcoming conflict

In der vierten Sektion geht es sowohl um historisches Lernen, Schulbücher, historische Objekte und Ausstellungen in postkolonialen Kontexten als auch geschichtskulturelle Medien in Ostasien und ein Schulbuch als Versuch des peacebuilding im Israel-Palestina-Conflict.

The fourth section examines history teaching, textbooks, historical objects and exhibitions in a post-colonial perspective as well as different media of representing history in East Asia and a textbook as means of bringing peace to the Palestinian-Isreali conflict.

Chair: Daniel Schönbauer

Wazi Apoh, 2.00 pm – 2.45 pm
Examining the Restitution of African Objects and Remains in the Context of Post-Colonial Peacebuilding
Peacebuilding as a type of conflict resolution is a recurring dialectical phase in human history. A peaceful context, be it ephemeral or persistent, can be understood as a utopian or egalitarian context devoid of chaos and conflicts. Countless histories have shown how our human race has been bedevilled with warfare, fights, imperial dominations and their aftermaths.


Quelle: http://histrhen.landesgeschichte.eu/2020/03/peaceteachingbonn-section-four/


Understanding and overcoming conflict

Die dritte Sektion beschäftigt sich mit historischem Lernen und Erinnerung in Südost und Osteuropa.

The third section covers textbooks for historical learning and memories in Southeast and Eastern Europe.

Chair: Hans-Dieter Heumann

Snjezana Koren, 9.30 am – 10.15 am
Textbooks and interethnic conflict in Southeast Europe after the last Balkan war
[Abstract will follow]


Martin Aust, 10.


Quelle: http://histrhen.landesgeschichte.eu/2020/03/peaceteachingbonn-section-three/


Understanding and overcoming conflict

In der zweiten Sektion geht es um historisches Lernen, Schulbücher für den Geschichtsunterricht und Medien der Geschichtskultur in Zentral- und Westeuropa, vor allem in Frankreich, Deutschland und Österreich.

The second section covers historical learning, textbooks for teaching history and other media for historical learning in Central and Western Europe, especially France, Germany and Austria.

Chair: Florian Radvan

Rainer Bendick, 2.00 pm – 2.45 pm
A paradigm for the objectification of textbook representations? Failure and success of the German-French textbook discussions in the 20th and 21st centuries

This article summarizes the attempts made after 1919 to objectify the contents of textbooks in Germany and France, and formulates six theses on this subject.


Quelle: http://histrhen.landesgeschichte.eu/2020/02/peaceteachingbonn-section-two/


Understanding and overcoming conflict

In der ersten Sektion wird sich dem Tagungsthema in einer allgemeineren, fachwissenschaftlichen Perspektive genähert. Es geht um die Frage des Lernens aus der Geschichte am Beispiel des Westfälischen Friedens, der deutsch-französischen Beziehungen und der deutschen Wiedervereinigung aus polnischer Perspektive.

The first section approaches the conference topic from a technical historiographic perspective. It circles the question whether and how we can learn from history by looking at the peace of Westphalia, the Franco-German relations in the 20th century and the German unification from a Polish perspective.

Chair: Alheydis Plassmann

Michael Rohrschneider, 10.00 am – 10.30 am
The peace of Westphalia (1648) as a model for the Middle East?


Quelle: http://histrhen.landesgeschichte.eu/2020/02/peaceteachingbonn-section-one/


History teaching as a matter of war and peace?

Can history teaching make young people ready for war? – It would be difficult to answer this question on the basis of irrefutable evidence, but it seems reasonable to assume that textbooks and teacher narratives contribute to shape collective “perceptions and misperceptions” (Robert Jervis) relevant to issues of war and peace. In my introductory remarks I would like to focus on some examples of narratives that are likely to generate tension between nations. In some cases it is quite difficult to trace a clear line between politics of memory and history teaching – and this seems to be part of the problem: The politics of memory is about “making sense” in some (often national) way or another, it is not always linked to sincere effort to understand what happened and why it happened. This effort, however, is crucial for peacebuilding between hostile nations or groups. People will hardly be able to overcome the tensions between them as long as one side denies or trivializes facts crucial to the experience and memory of the other, even if they know each other’s narratives perfectly well. What scholars studying German history teaching call “multiperspectivity” is without doubt an important element in processes of history-based peacebuilding, but it is by far not enough.

If we really want to overcome history-based conflict, it will only be the first step to acknowledge different interpretations of the past. We will have to transcend the mere comparison of conflicting narratives, because people did not – and do not – live in different universes.


Quelle: http://histrhen.landesgeschichte.eu/2020/02/peaceteachingbonn-introductory-remarks/


Understanding and overcoming conflict

Since the Interwar Period, history teaching is considered simultaneously an important source of international conflict and a means of overcoming it. Textbooks and history lessons undoubtedly play a vital role in the creation of mental maps and stereotypes. Other nations are constructed as enemies, rivals, partners, or even friends. This continues to be important even in the era of digital mass communication. Historical narratives transmitted in the authoritative context of educational systems possess a high level of political power – and their influence extends to millions of students without any realistic chance of avoiding it. It is therefore highly plausible that their perception of and their attitude towards other nations or groups will be affected in some way by the “lessons” learned in history classes, thus influencing their participation in processes of international decision-making (for the majority of them as voters, few of them as decision-makers). In other words: History teaching matters for issues of conflict and peacebuilding. By combining the specific approaches and competences of peace research and history didactics in an international conference we want to shed some light on some of today’s most relevant questions:

  • How can we evaluate the impact of history teaching in conflicts and processes of peacebuilding compared to other factors?

  • [...]

Quelle: http://histrhen.landesgeschichte.eu/2020/02/peaceteachingbonn-concept/


Understanding and overcoming conflict

Since the Interwar Period, history teaching is considered simultaneously an important source of international conflict and a means of overcoming it. Textbooks and history lessons undoubtedly play a vital role in the creation of mental maps and stereotypes. Other nations are constructed as enemies, rivals, partners, or even friends. This continues to be important even in the era of digital mass communication. Historical narratives transmitted in the authoritative context of educational systems possess a high level of political power – and their influence extends to millions of students without any realistic chance of avoiding it. It is therefore highly plausible that their perception of and their attitude towards other nations or groups will be affected in some way by the “lessons” learned in history classes, thus influencing their participation in processes of international decision-making (for the majority of them as voters, few of them as decision-makers). In other words: History teaching matters for issues of conflict and peacebuilding. By combining the specific approaches and competences of peace research and history didactics in an international conference we want to shed some light on some of today’s most relevant questions:

  • How can we evaluate the impact of history teaching in conflicts and processes of peacebuilding compared to other factors?

  • [...]

Quelle: http://histrhen.landesgeschichte.eu/2020/02/peaceteachingbonn-concept/
