Grafik aus dem Buch: Erich Stenger, Die Geschichte der Kleinbildkamera bis zur Leica, Wetzlar 1949 S. 16
Processes of migration and flight after 2015 and their depiction, perception and distribution through photography are the starting point of “Nomadic Camera”. We seek to investigate the relationship of photography and contemporary migration in technology, the media and aesthetics in addition to historical exile and flight as the pivotal discursive setting in which specific forms of mobility extending from the mid-19th century to today have been negotiated.
The concept adapts the term “nomadic” — a transitory form of existence — beyond static concepts of being and national boundaries (Demos 2017). “Nomadism” refers to a form of mobility that converges with and diverges from other terms, such as “travel”, “displacement” and “exile” (Kaplan 1996). At the same time, displacements are intrinsically related to connective and disconnective experiences, including place-making and belonging, ruptures between life and work in the past and present, experiences of loss and challenges of beginnings.
“Nomadic Camera” will centre around the following questions: how do dislocations interconnect with the technical evolution of photography as a mobile medium?