Virtuelles DH-Kolloquium an der BBAW, 27.02.2023: „Collecting and Investigating Features of Human Semantic Ratings and Resources“

Im Rahmen des DH-Kolloquiums an der BBAW laden wir Sie herzlich zum nächsten Termin am Montag, den 27. Februar 2023, 16 Uhr c.t., ein (virtueller Raum:

Sabine Schulte im Walde (Universität Stuttgart)

Collecting and Investigating Features of Human Semantic Ratings and Resources

Developing computational models to predict meaning components of words and multiword expressions typically goes hand in hand with creating or using reliable lexical resources as gold standards for formative intrinsic evaluation. Not much work however pays attention to whether and how much both the gold standards and the prediction models vary according to the properties of the targets within the lexical resources, and potential skewness hinders us from a generalised assessment of the models.


