DH-Videoclip Adventskalender 2016 – Tür 10

Michael A. Keller, Chef der Stanford University Libraries stellt in diesem kurzen Clip das Recherchetool der gleichnamigen Firma Yewno vor, das seiner Ansicht nach Forschung verbessern wird „in ways that we can only begin to imagine.“ (Quelle Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7PGfiKMqTUA&feature=youtu.be) Man darf also gespannt sein.

Dieses Video ist wie alle anderen des Adventskalenders auch auf dem DHd-Kanal in der Playlist Digital Humanities Videoclips zu sehen.


Quelle: http://dhd-blog.org/?p=7488


DH-Videoclip Adventskalender 2016 – Tür 9

Auf die charmante und faszinierende Präsentation des Projekts Nation, Genre & Gender zum Thema literarische Netzwerkanalyse hat mich Frank Fischer, National Research University in Moskau und designierter DARIAH-EU Direktor aufmerksam gemacht. (vgl. auch seinen Blogeintrag dazu: https://dlina.github.io/Mayakovsky-Klop/)

Fun Fact: seine neue Kollegin und künftige DARIAH-EU Direktorin Jennifer Edmonds war im gestrigen DH-Video zu sehen.

Doch nun zum Video-Tipp:

Combining literary and data science expertise, this project maps and analyses social networks in Irish and English fiction, 1800-1922. It explores how writers and readers have imagined the connections between people in their society and turned those connections into plots.


Quelle: http://dhd-blog.org/?p=7454


DH-Videoclip Adventskalender 2016 – Tür 8

Digital Humanities werden in Irland nicht nur an der Universität Cork voran gebracht sondern natürlich auch am Trinity College Dublin. Ein Video vom April diesen Jahres stellt das Trinity Centre for Digital Humanities vor.

The Trinity Centre for Digital Humanities brings together researchers from many disciplinary backgrounds to facilitate the novel investigation, analysis, synthesis, and presentation of information in electronic form. We also facilitate dialogue between the research and educational programmes that contribute to Trinity’s reputation in this field, drawing in as well the activities of the Library and Research Computing.

The Digital Humanities Centre is a meeting ground for all of these experts, facilitating the collaborations and open exchange of ideas that is at the heart of Trinity’s international reputation in this field.

(Quelle YouTube: https://www.youtube.


Quelle: http://dhd-blog.org/?p=7452


Ankündigung: Zweiter AGATE Workshop, 16. Januar 2017, Berlin

Open – Connective – Sustainable
AGATE: A Community Driven Digital Infrastructure for SSH Research(ers) at the European Academies

The workshop’s objective is to introduce and discuss the concept and working plan for a digital infrastructure for Humanities and Social Sciences research of the science academies in Europe (AGATE). Furthermore, the workshop seeks to initiate an open dialogue between the SSH researchers at the science academies with European infrastructures and the contribution of AGATE to the vision of Open Science in Europe.

The planned infrastructure will have to meet two main tasks: firstly, to enhance the visibility of the academies’ SSH research activities and the discoverability and reusability of the research data and results, and secondly, to support researchers with information and services that facilitate research activities and publication practices in the digital age and international and interdisciplinary collaboration.

The technical, social, and organizational features of the proposed digital infrastructure will be sketched out in short introductory presentations and an expert’s comment. After each of the thematic sections there will be space for a result-oriented discussion with representatives of the core consortium and the workshop participants about the feasibility and practicability of the proposed solutions.
Especially SSH researchers, ICT-experts and digital librarians and archivists from the European science academies as potential users and data providers are invited to join the discussions about the shape of a future AGATE.


Quelle: http://dhd-blog.org/?p=7477


DH-Videoclip Adventskalender 2016 – Tür 7

Der Tipp für das heutige Video kommt von Thorsten Trippel, Liaison-Manager der Forschungsinfrastruktur CLARIN-D an der Universität Tübingen. Wir bekommen einen Eindruck von der Europäischen Sommeruniversität in digitalen Geisteswissenschaften, die dieses Jahr bereits zum siebten Mal an der Universität Leipzig veranstaltet wurde.

Wenn Sie auch ein persönliches DH-Lieblingsvideo oder eine Empfehlung haben, die im DH-Videoclip Advendskalender nicht fehlen sollte, dann melden Sie sich gerne.

The European Summer University in Digital Humanities has brought together Digtal Humanities students and researchers, to discuss different topics and to learn about new methods. CLARIN-D a research infrastructure for the Digital Humanities, which works with language data, was part of the Summer School. This Clip shows interviews with participants, scholars and organizers of the summer school. (Quelle YouTube: https://www.youtube.


Quelle: http://dhd-blog.org/?p=7444


DH-Videoclip Adventskalender 2016 – Tür 6

Catherine Nygren beschäftigt sich im folgenden Video kreativ mit der Frage „How to read a digital text?“

Literature is evolving. It’s no longer just on a paper page, but is appearing across computer screens, upon clicks, and in conjunction with other media like music.
How, then, do we read these digital texts when they’re so different from traditional ones? (Quelle YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g7ShsyBGfIA)


Quelle: http://dhd-blog.org/?p=7436


DH-Videoclip Adventskalender 2016 – Tür 5

Die University of California Libraries zeigen in rund fünf Minuten warum man sich diese Zeit unbedingt nehmen sollte um über Forschungsdaten, ihre Bedeutung und den Umgang mit ihnen nachzudenken.

What is research data and why is managing your data important? Where can you get help with research data management? In this introductory video, three University of California researchers address these questions from their own experience and explain the impact of good data management practices. (Quelle YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lr722k7NyGU)

Dieses Video ist ein Tipp von Stefan Schmunk, Abteilung Forschung & Entwicklung der Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen.


Quelle: http://dhd-blog.org/?p=7434


DH-Videoclip Adventskalender 2016 – Tür 4

Orla Murphy stellt das Studienangebot zum BA und MA in Digital Humanities and Information Technology an der Universität Cork vor.

Gesucht werden „young, creative, dynamic individuals, who are seeking to make a contribution […] for our society going forward.“ (Quelle YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ymYjdkI7IU)

Einige kommen im Video zu Wort. Gute Aussichten nicht nur für die irische Gesellschaft :-)


Quelle: http://dhd-blog.org/?p=7450


DH-Videoclip Adventskalender 2016 – Tür 3

Hinter dem dritten Türchen des DH-Videoclip Adventskalenders verbirgt sich ein Digitalisierungsprojekt der vatikanischen Bibliothek.

This is the story of the NTT DATA project and the digitization of the manuscripts in the Vatican Library.
The overall project, began by the Library a few years ago and now underway, involves digitizing all the manuscripts preserved in the Library for a total of 82,000 units, about 41 million pages.
The images show the locations and activities in the protagonists‘ own voices. The observer travels in the very places as they are revealed: the bunker, consultation rooms, restoration, and the photo department, where the manuscripts are digitized. (Quelle YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YSYJj4G2fMs&feature=youtu.


Quelle: http://dhd-blog.org/?p=7430


DH-Videoclip Adventskalender 2016 – Tür 2

Anlässlich der Veröffentlichung der Vorschläge zur Modernisierung des Urheberrechts in der EU hat #FixCopyright folgendes Video herausgegeben:

Copy (short for Copyright) explains why the champagne keeps flowing for the industry (a.k.a. right holders), as he recovers from the party they threw to celebrate the copyright reform proposals published by the European Commission (EC) (the Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market). He tells the incredible story of how the EC ignored all other stakeholders, created ‚RoboCopyright 2.0‘ and put his Cousin ‚Ancy‘ (short for Ancillary Copyright) on steroids. (Quelle: Youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?


Quelle: http://dhd-blog.org/?p=7427
