Archiv für Mai 2010

Numéro 2010/1 – n° 13 – L’homme providentiel

Page 6 à 7 : Jean Garrigues – Éditorial | Page 8 à 23 : Jean Garrigues – Boulanger, ou la fabrique de l’homme providentiel | Page 24 à 36 : Sudhir Hazareesingh – Mort et Transfiguration : la renaissance du mythe gaullien en novembre 1970 | Page 37…

Graduate Education in Geographically-Integrated History: A Personal Account

Journal of the Association for History and Computing Vol 13 Issue 1, 2010-06-18

On an institutional basis in the United States, the discipline of history is increasingly confronted by a crisis growing out of the financial problems of colleges and universities and their increasing stress on obtaining external funding. In other publications, I show how geographically-integrated history provides a path for historians to obtain the type of external research funding that draws favorable attention from the administrators of their schools. In this article, I will discuss how the History Department of Idaho State University seeks to prepare graduate students to undertake geographically-integrated history so that they will have available to them a broad range of interesting employment and educational possibilities once they complete the degree program. We had become depressed by the sight of so many anxious, disappointed job-seekers at American Historical Association meetings, and we specifically designed this program to enhance significantly the employment opportunities of students with strong, traditional disciplinary training by introducing them to the unrivaled means of geographic information systems (GIS) and related information technologies to explore, analyze, and visualize historical resources, the interactions among them, and their relationship in space and time; to catalogue, connect, and distribute historical resources on local and global scales; to develop public policy; to formulate questions for analysis; and to present the results of such work in response to research problems posed by individual researchers, community groups, public entities, and private institutions. Although some of the employment possibilities overlap those on which „public history“ programs concentrate, a graduate of our program will find a much broader range of possibilities, including entrance into doctoral programs or jobs in the K-12 education sector. In discussing this graduate program, I present only my own views and not those of my colleagues who might have other perspectives on graduate education in this type of transformative historical research and teaching.

The Integration of GIS-Based Information Mapping into an Ethnohistorical Seminar

Journal of the Association for History and Computing Vol 13 Issue 1, 2010-06-18

The teaching of history has often been described as a “conversation” about the past. As a former professor of mine once put it, the instructor may speak from a more informed position, and exert some control on the flow of information, but should always maintain the goal of “providing students with the means of participating ever more fully in the dialogue.” Ideally, both sides learn from this experience. Teaching thus provides both the opportunity to increase one’s own mastery of a subject, and the challenge of inspiring students to genuinely participate in the conversation.

Exploring Historical Space and Environments in the History/Social Studies Classroom II: Introduction

Journal of the Association for History and Computing Vol 13 Issue 1, 2010-06-18
With the following articles we conclude this series on the use of GIS in the classroom. We begin with an example of the use of GIS in the …

Putting the World in World History

Journal of the Association for History and Computing Vol 13 Issue 1, 2010-06-18

Massey’s question forms the point of departure for this paper. In the spirit of her question, I propose that the introductory world history course can and should be conceptualized as a meeting up of histories in space rather than simply as a narrative about change over time in human societies. In a general sense, this proposition arises from a conviction that spatial literacy should be an essential part of education across the curriculum, and that the habits of mind that spatial thinking instills are important to all college students, including, but not limited to, history majors. If this is the case, then all instructors need to identify and interrogate the place of the spatial in their classes. More particularly, world history—the narrative of how and why the world’s peoples have encountered one another and with what consequences—must be conceptualized as an essentially geographical specialization, though it has not yet been systematically approached in that way. This paper proposes a spatially explicit world history pedagogy that can be implemented by any historian right now, along with proposals for software and content development that can improve the capacity for spatially informed and more technically sophisticated world history to extend beyond a small coterie of enthusiasts in the future.

The Marriage of Technology and History

Journal of the Association for History and Computing Vol 13 Issue 1, 2010-06-18

One of the primary goals of the AAHC has always been “the reasonable and productive marriage of history and computer technology for teaching, researching and representing history through scholarship.” In this issue, there are two excellent representations of how such a marriage might work: Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and text mining. These two technologies have the potential to vastly change how we understand and represent the past, and bring new insights into both pedagogical and research practices of history.

Plundering Philosophies: Indentifying Sources of the Encylcopedie

Journal of the Association for History and Computing Vol 13 Issue 1, 2010-06-18

Expanding on the success of the VSM experiment to identify borrowed articles in the Encyclopédie, we applied a completely different approach to the identification of similar passages borrowed from another Jesuit reference work, Louis Moréri’s Grand dictionnaire historique, published in 20 editions between 1671 and 1759. As an historical dictionary, oriented around the genealogies of European nobility and the Roman Catholic Church, Moréri’s work would certainly seem antithetical to the Enlightenment project of the philosophes, who sought to undermine superstition and religious intolerance through the expansion of knowledge in the Arts and Sciences.  It would therefore be somewhat surprising to find a strong presence of Moréri material, at least superficially, in the pages of the Encyclopédie. Whereas the VSM compares whole articles without regard to word order, our Pairwise Alignment of Intertextual Relations (PAIR) approach uses clusters of shared „n-grams“ — sequences of two or more words — as a way to identify shared passages.  This technique, borrowed from genetic sequence algorithms in the biological sciences as well as plagiarism detection systems, is very effective in identifying common passages between two texts, from small fragments of sentences to entire articles. Using the PAIR approach, we compared all 17 volumes of text from the Encyclopédie to the 10-volume 1759 edition of Moréri’s Grand dictionnaire historique and identified some 580 possible shared n-gram sequences of varying lengths. Upon close inspection, we determined that about 72% of these instances (418 n-gram sequences) were indeed common to both works.

Exploring Historical Space and Environments in the History/Social Studies Classroom: Discussion and Reflections

Journal of the Association for History and Computing Vol 13 Issue 1, 2010-06-18
The follow-up discussion below is organized around seven headings:

02|10 Rez. Broder: Kritik der reinen Toleranz (2009)

Joachim Losehand: “Toleranz ist die letzte Tugend einer untergehenden Gesellschaft”. Rezension über Henryk M. Broder, Kritik der reinen Toleranz, München 2009, in: Tolerantia 2 (2010), 05-03-02. Auszug: [Erscheint Mai 2011] Persistent Identifier: urn:nbn:de:0234-tolerantia-2010050102-. How To Improve Kidney Function With The Kidney Disease Solution E-Book full article here PDF-Dokument (in neuem Fenster) zp8497586rq