Archiv für Oktober 2014

Diversity and nationalism in the Basque Country and Flanders: understanding immigrants as fellow minorities Diversity and nationalism in the Basque Country and Flanders: understanding immigrants as fellow minorities

National Identities, Ahead of Print.

Dialects of nostalgia: Downton Abbey and English identity Dialects of nostalgia: Downton Abbey and English identity

National Identities, Ahead of Print.

Historians as rooted cosmopolitans: their potentials and limitations

In the 1990s, the so-called ‘history problem’ began to escalate in East Asia as the result of mutually reinforcing nationalist commemorations in Japan, South Korea and China. In response, historians from the three countries organized joint historical research and textbook projects. In this article, I examine the extent to which these joint projects succeeded in promoting the cosmopolitan logic of historiography that challenged nationalist commemorations. Specifically, I compare governmental and non-governmental projects and illustrate structural and dispositional mechanisms that facilitated the cosmopolitan logic of historiography. However, at the same time, I show that the joint projects have had only a limited impact on official and public commemorations because of the absence of any formal institutional links between historians‘ activities, governments and the public. Thus, while historians have the potential to act as rooted cosmopolitans and to mobilize transnational epistemic networks in East Asia, they have been unable effectively to counteract nationalist commemorations.

Rebuilding the ship at sea: super-diversity, person and conduct in eastern Oslo

Researchers on transnationalism and migration in contemporary Europe often insufficiently communicate or even neglect the major shift between the first and second generation. Using empirical material from eastern Oslo, I argue that the dominant conceptualization of the self, of personhood, has shifted from a chiefly sociocentric to a chiefly egocentric form of selfhood, with important consequences for the process of integration into Norwegian society. At the same time, this change in personhood, a result of wide-ranging participation in the institutions of majority society, does not per se lead to a weakening of religious or ethnic identity, although they are now reflexively chosen and not adhered to as a duty or social obligation. This process of individualization creates a situation of multiple, complex adaptations rather than one of stable, coherent diasporic populations, one where even conservative traditions have to be chosen actively because they no longer recommend themselves. Members of the second generation are compelled to balance the demands of two social ontologies, one emphasizing security and group cohesion, the other favouring freedom and individuality.

International doctoral students as knowledge brokers: reciprocity, trust and solidarity in transnational networks

In this article, we examine the role of brokerage, the knowledge that brokers transfer and the social conditions of that transfer. Previous research suggests that highly skilled migrants spanning multiple locales have the advantage of being able to transfer knowledge as they move from one place to another. In this study, using a network perspective, we look at the activities of international doctoral students in their transfer of knowledge and illustrate the underlying social conditions of knowledge transfer through transnational friendship networks. Using a qualitative methodology, we examine the research questions and 35 in-depth interviews, as well as egocentric network analysis conducted in Germany. In the findings, we explore the social conditions of knowledge brokerage, including trust, reciprocity and solidarity. Finally, we discuss the implications for further research on knowledge sharing among brokers and international students.

Raising cosmopolitans: localized educational strategies of international families in Shanghai

This qualitative research documents the educational strategies of international migrants to Shanghai who are attempting to raise their children as cosmopolitans through immersion in local Chinese schools. We distinguish this localizing educational strategy from the established network of international schools designed to serve the families of corporate expatriates. Instead, our research subjects consist of self-initiated expatriates, or ‘middling transnationals’, who have chosen to prioritize immersion in the language and culture of China by sending their children to local schools. This localized, or Sinocentric, model exposes non-Chinese children to a challenging and nationalistic Chinese curriculum. Our analysis of these practices as a form of cosmopolitan education challenges both the goal of teaching a universal and placeless ethical cosmopolitanism and the assumption that a meaningful cosmopolitan education must take place in the idealized setting of a liberal cosmopolitan school system. We also highlight the difficulties families face in this approach, describing this as an ‘entangled cosmopolitanism’, an enriching but uncomfortable engagement with both local and home-country educational cultures.

La Bohème. Aperçu du monde des créatifs du XIXème au XXIème siècle/ Bohèmes oder Kulturen des Kreativen – Blicke auf ein Milieu des 19. und 21. Jahrhunderts

Textes traduits en français / Französische Übersetzungen

Andreas Reckwitz

Vom Künstlermythos zur Normalisierung kreativer Prozesse: Der Beitrag des Kunstfeldes zur Genese des Kreativsubjekts (in: Christoph Menke/Juliane Rebentisch, Hrsg., Kreativität und Depression. Freiheit im gegenwärtigen Kapitalismus, Berlin, Kulturverlag Kadmos 2010, S. 98-117)

Georg Stanitzek

Die Bohème als Bildungsmilieu: Zur Struktur eines Soziotopos, (in : Soziale Systeme 16, 2010, Heft 2, 404-418)

Roberto Michels

Zur Soziologie der Bohême und ihrer Zusammengänge mit dem gestiegen Proletariat, Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomik und Jahrbücher, Gustav Bücher Verlag, 1932.

Textes traduits en allemand / Deutsche Übersetzungen

Nathalie Heinich

La bohème en trois dimensions: artiste réel, artiste imaginaire, artiste symbolique (in: Pascal Brissette/Anthony Glinoer (Hg.) Bohème sans frontière, Rennes, PUR 2010, S. 23-38.

Pierre-Michel Menger

Art, politisation et action publique, Paris, Publications de la Sorbonne, 2001.


Travail et genre / Arbeit und Geschlecht

Textes traduits en français / Französische Übersetzungen

Bettina Heintz / Eva Nadai

« Geschlecht und Kontext ; De-Institutionalisierungsprozesse und geschlechtliche Differenzierung », Zeitschrift für Soziologie, vol. 27, 1998, p. 75-93.

  1. Regine Gildemeister / Robert Günther

« Politik und Geschlecht. Programmatische Gleichheit und die Praxis der Differenzierung », in : Nassehi, A. / Schroer, M. (éd.) : Der Begriff des Politischen. Sonderband der Sozialen Welt, Baden-Baden : Nomos, 2003, p. 217-239.

  1. Theresa Wobbe

« Making up People : Berufsstatistische Klassifikation, geschlechtliche Kategorisierung und wirtschaftliche Inklusion um 1900 in Deutschland », Zeitschrift für Soziologie, vol. 41, 2012, p. 41-57.

Textes traduits en allemand / Deutsche Übersetzungen

  1. Laure Bereni / Eléanor Lepinard

« “Les femmes ne sont pas une catégorie” ; Les stratégies de légitimation de la parité en France », Revue Française de Science Politique, vol. 54 (1), 2004, p. 71-98.

  1. Danièle Kergoat

« Ouvriers = ouvrières ?…

Réflexivité et système. Les débats sur l’ordre et l’auto-organisation dans les années 1970 / Reflexivität und System. Die Debatte über Ordnung und Selbstorganisation in den 70er Jahren

Textes traduits en français / Französische Übersetzungen

Heinz Von Foerster

1093, „Kybernetik einer Erkenntnistheorie“, in W.D. Keidel, W. Händler und M. Spreng (Hrsg.), Kybernetik und Bionik,  München, 1974, S. 27-46; auch  in Heinz von Foerster, Wissen und Gewissen. Versuch einer Brücke, herausgegeben von S. J. Schmidt, Frankfurt a.M, S.50-71.

Gotthard Günther

1976, Seele und Maschine, in Ders., Beiträge zur Grundlegung einer operation­sfähigen Dialektik, Bd. 1, Meiner, Ham­burg, S. 75-90

Niklas Luhmann

1990, Ich sehe das, was Du nicht siehst, in Ders., Soziologische Aufklärung, Bd. 5, Westdeutscher Verlag, Opladen, S. 228-234

Textes traduits en allemand / Deutsche Übersetzungen

Henry Atlan

1974, Le principe d’ordre à partir du bruit, l’apprentissage non dirigé et la rêve, in Edgar Morin, Massimo Piattelli Palmarini, L’unité de l’homme, vol. 2, Seuil, Paris, S. 207-213

Edgar Morin

1981, Peut-on concevoir un science de l’autonomie ?, in Paul Dumouchel, Jean-Pierre Dupuy Colloque de Cerisy…

Past & Present Number 225 November 2014 – Front Cover
